The Kura - Japanese Art Treasures
Robert Mangold has been working with Japanese antiques since 1995 with an emphasis on ceramics, Paintings, Armour and Buddhist furniture.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Metalwork : Pre 1900 item #1490730
The Kura
A smoke tendril rises from the mouth of a bloated toad forming an Usubata flower basin in heavy olive patinated yellow bronze. The basin is 19.7 cm (7-3/4 inches) diameter, The entire 24.5 cm (9-3/4 inches) tall and it is in excellent condition. In Japanese the word for Frog is Kaeru, a homonym for: To Return. Thus the symbol of a frog means money going out will come back, a child growing up or a daughter marrying will come back to visit etc. Gama Sennin is one of the most depicted Sennin (Saints), a Daoist sage based on Liu Hai of ancient China. He has great magical powers and carries around on his back a large toad. In Chinese legend he learned all the secrets of Magic and the universe from the toad. Frogs have been known as a symbol of prosperity in ancient Chinese culture since time immemorial. As per Feng Shui, keeping frog figurines at home or in the office area, offers protection to the space and brings prosperity to one's life.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Stoneware : Pre 1700 item #1495670 (stock #NA)
The Kura
A set of Nesting Oribe bowls dating from the Momoyama to early Edo period from the Ohira-gama enclosed in an old collector’s box. Both They display a brownish color, typical of early works from the late Muromachi to Momoyama periods. The spur marks between are quite distinct “C” chapes. A simple tendril of iron has been poured over the sand textured surface, otherwise there is no decoration. Both slightly onched shapes feature kin-tsugi gold repairs. The large bowl is 23 x 24.5 x 6 cm (9 x 9-3/4 x 2-1/2 inches), the smaller 21 x 22.5 x 5 cm (8-1.2 x 9 x 2 inches).
The remnants of the Ohira kiln are located on Prefectural Road 84 just outside Toki-city. The Ohira old kiln group includes: several kilns, the Yamanokami Kiln, Yuemon Kiln, Seidayu Kiln and Ohira Kamagane Kiln. According to the overview in Shino, Volume 15 of the Encyclopedia of Japanese Ceramics (Chuo Koronsha), the Yamanokami Kiln fired Shino’s precursor, white glaze-gray Shino, during the Muromachi period. It is believed to have been active from the Tenbun era (1532–1554) to the Eiroku era (1558–1569), gradually progressing to higher-quality Shino. After that, Yuemon Kiln (which operated for a long time) produced quite high-quality Shino ware. Additionally, a climbing kiln called the Seidayu Kiln was established, where later-period Shino was fired during the Keicho era (1596–1614).
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Stoneware : Pre 1800 item #1493747 (stock #K075)
The Kura
A fabulous Edo period large Gohon Chawan from the Hagi region, a classical bowl wearing its history in a spider thread of gleaming gold. Broken once, the cracks have been repaired with softly gleaming thin wisps o gold in the highest quality. The bowl is 12.5 × 15 x 8 cm (5 x 6 x 3 inches) and comes enclosed in a period Kiri-wood box. Kintsugi lacquer gold repairs embody the spirit of wabi-sabi, a Japanese aesthetic worldview centered around imperfection, transience, and the beauty of the natural cycle of growth and decay. Embracing the flawed and broken aspects of an object through kintsugi is a way to appreciate the passage of time and the history of the object, recognizing that it gains value and character through its journey. Kintsugi aligns with traditional Japanese values of frugality and resourcefulness. Instead of discarding broken items, kintsugi repairs them, extending their lifespan and reducing waste. This approach reflects a profound respect for resources and a desire to cherish and honor the objects used in daily life. This is also a way to avoid offending the spirit of the object, as all items are embodied with a soul of some sort. The act of repairing broken pottery with gold-laced lacquer carries a symbolic message of resilience and overcoming adversity. The restored object becomes a metaphor for the human experience, highlighting that even after suffering damage or hardship, one can find beauty and strength through healing and renewal. In the context of the Japanese tea ceremony kintsugi plays a vital role in enhancing the overall aesthetic experience, especially during the tenth month. The practice of kintsugi encourages contemplation and introspection during the tea ceremony. Guests may be reminded of the impermanence of all things and the beauty that can arise from embracing life's scars and vulnerabilities. Overall, kintsugi holds a deep cultural and philosophical significance in Japanese culture, symbolizing beauty in imperfection, respect for resources, and the resilience of both objects and individuals. In the context of the tea ceremony, it enriches the aesthetics and fosters a sense of mindfulness and appreciation for the present moment.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Devotional Objects : Pre 1920 item #1490875
Bonji Sanskrit characters pierce the lotus finialed lid of this large antique bronze incense burner. The vajra-like finial topped in the shape of a lotus flower is hollow, the lotus seed pod pierced with holes to allow the smoke to escape like a chimney. This is also removable, slotting in to the incense burner, and turned to lock it in place. Inside the lid is stained and shiny from years of incense soot built up. It is 35.5 cm (14 inches) tall, 18 cm (7 inches) diameter and in overall excellent condition (a bit dusty in the photos as found).
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Metalwork : Pre 1930 item #1493058 (stock #K097)
The Kura
Polished layered-lacquer lozenges are inlayed into the surface of this fabulous Art-Deco era vase by important Japanese Bronze artist Yamamoto Junmin. The lacquered pieces have been cut and polished from variously colored layered lacquer. The vase is signed on the base Junmin, and measures 27.5 cm (11 inches) diameter, 18.5 cm (7-1/4 inches) tall. It is in excellent condition.
Yamamoto Junmin (1882 – 1962) learned the metal arts under Katori Hotsuma (Hozuma) and Asakura Fumio at the Tokyo University of Art. Living in Nara, the ancient capital, he was one of the finest metal workers of his age, carrying on the Edo-doki tradition through the early Showa era while also incorporating many ideas and innovations from Art Deco into hos oeuvre. His work was exhibited with the Teiten/Bunten National Exhibitions many times before the second world war, and with the Nitten National Exhibition post-war. The National Museum of Modern Art in Kyoto holds two works by this important bronze artist, as well as the Metal Art Museum Hikarinotani.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Paintings : Pre 1930 item #1491463 (stock #N06)
The Kura
A quintessential image of a tiny bean-shaped figure lost in thought, perhaps staring out to sea on a sunny hillock before cascading water in lush Spring-green washes by Shirakura Niho enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Enpokihan (Distant Sails Returning). Ink & Light color on Silk in fresh green extended with beige featuring bone rollers. It is 64 x 143.5 cm (25 x 56-1/2 inches) and is in overall excellent condition.
Shirakura Kinichiro (Kinro, Niho or Jiho, Kanyu, 1896-1974) was born the first son of lawyer and scholar Shirakura Shigeichi in Shibata city, Niigata. His father was a noted Kangakusha, the pre-modern Japanese study of China; the counterpart of Kokugaku (Japanese Studies) and Yōgaku or Rangaku (Western or “Dutch” Studies). He was initially inducted into the Nanga school of painting at the age of 12 under Hattori Goro. He moved to Tokyo at the age of 17, where he studied Western Oil painting with Oshita Tojiro and watercolor under Ishii Hakutei. Two years later his paintings were first accepted into the 8th Bunten National Exhibition under the name Kinro. That same year his work was honored in the Tokyo Taisho Hakurankai Exposition. In 1915 his paintings were again accepted into the Bunten where they were awarded Nyusen status. Despite his initial successes, he paled on Western painting and in 1917 decided to return to the Nanga school joining his initial teacher Hattori Goro who had relocated to Kyoto and it was from Goro that he received the name Niho which we know he was using by mid 1920 when Hattori fell ill, and Niho moved by introduction to study under Tajika Chikuson. In 1921, along with Komura Suiun, Ikeda Keisen, Yano Kyoson, Mizuta Chikuho, Mitsui Hanzan, and Kono Shuson he became a founding member of the Nihon Nanga-In society of literati artists. That same year his first collection of paintings was published, and he began a two year journey in China, which had become a Mecca for Japanese artists. He would consistently display at the Bunten/Teiten where he was consistently awarded, as well as the Nihon Nanga-In. In 1926 he would move to the tutelage of Komura Suiun in Tokyo, and be awarded at the Fist Shotoku Taishi Art Exhibition. He began exhibiting at the newly formed Nanga Renmei Exhibition in 1937 and in 1938 he established his own art salon. In 1940 he would change his name from Niho to Kanyu. Post war his participation in art expositions becomes sporadic. His final known painting, of Nijo castle, created in 1972 is held in the Kyoto prefectural Archives. Other work by him is held in the collections of the National Museum of Modern Art in Tokyo, the Kyoto Municipal Kyocera Museum, the Nîgata Prefectural Museum of Art, the Tenmon Museum in Osaka, the Korean National Museum in Seoul, the Smithsonian in Washington DC, the Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, the Minneapolis Institute of Art, the Honolulu Museum of Art and the Kaluz Museum in Mexico City among others.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Paintings : Pre 1930 item #1491725 (stock #N10)
The Kura
This scroll is an excellent example of the early Showa era style of Shirakura Niho centering around 1930 enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Teishu Sotai. The painting features two persons in a boat contemplating a precipitous waterfall which extends up through the clouds. The phrase Teishu Sotai in old Japanese translates to "meeting of moored boats" in English. It is often used metaphorically to describe a chance encounter or a meeting between two people who happen to be in the same place at the same time, similar to how two boats might meet while anchored or moored. It is 39.5 x 196 cm (15-1/2 x 77 inches) and is in excellent condition.
Shirakura Kinichiro (Kinro, Niho or Jiho, Kanyu, 1896-1974) was born the first son of lawyer and scholar Shirakura Shigeichi in Shibata city, Niigata. His father was a noted Kangakusha, the pre-modern Japanese study of China; the counterpart of Kokugaku (Japanese Studies) and Yōgaku or Rangaku (Western or “Dutch” Studies). He was initially inducted into the Nanga school of painting at the age of 12 under Hattori Goro. He moved to Tokyo at the age of 17, where he studied Western Oil painting with Oshita Tojiro and watercolor under Ishii Hakutei. Two years later his paintings were first accepted into the 8th Bunten National Exhibition under the name Kinro. That same year his work was honored in the Tokyo Taisho Hakurankai Exposition. In 1915 his paintings were again accepted into the Bunten where they were awarded Nyusen status. Despite his initial successes, he paled on Western painting and in 1917 decided to return to the Nanga school joining his initial teacher Hattori Goro who had relocated to Kyoto and it was from Goro that he received the name Niho which we know he was using by mid 1920 when Hattori fell ill, and Niho moved by introduction to study under Tajika Chikuson. In 1921, along with Komura Suiun, Ikeda Keisen, Yano Kyoson, Mizuta Chikuho, Mitsui Hanzan, and Kono Shuson he became a founding member of the Nihon Nanga-In society of literati artists. That same year his first collection of paintings was published, and he began a two year journey in China, which had become a Mecca for Japanese artists. He would consistently display at the Bunten/Teiten where he was consistently awarded, as well as the Nihon Nanga-In. In 1926 he would move to the tutelage of Komura Suiun in Tokyo, and be awarded at the Fist Shotoku Taishi Art Exhibition. He began exhibiting at the newly formed Nanga Renmei Exhibition in 1937 and in 1938 he established his own art salon. In 1940 he would change his name from Niho to Kanyu. Post war his participation in art expositions becomes sporadic. His final known painting, of Nijo castle, created in 1972 is held in the Kyoto prefectural Archives. Other work by him is held in the collections of the National Museum of Modern Art in Tokyo, the Kyoto Municipal Kyocera Museum, the Nîgata Prefectural Museum of Art, the Tenmon Museum in Osaka, the Korean National Museum in Seoul, the Smithsonian in Washington DC, the Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, the Minneapolis Institute of Art, the Honolulu Museum of Art and the Kaluz Museum in Mexico City among others.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Paintings : Pre 1930 item #1491409 (stock #N01)
The Kura
The sage gazes out from his hermitage clinging to the hillside upon a sparse scene of falling water and precipitous climbing peaks dominating this painting by Shirakura Niho dating from the prime of his career. Ink and light color on silk mounted in blue cloth with thin piping terminating in white ceramic rollers. It is 40.5 x 187.5 (16 x 74 inches) and is in excellent condition; enclosed in a modern wooden storage box. A published version of the Niho Catalog will accompany the work.
Shirakura Kinichiro (Kinro, Niho or Jiho, Kanyu, 1896-1974) was born the first son of lawyer and scholar Shirakura Shigeichi in Shibata city, Niigata. His father was a noted Kangakusha, the pre-modern Japanese study of China; the counterpart of Kokugaku (Japanese Studies) and Yōgaku or Rangaku (Western or “Dutch” Studies). He was initially inducted into the Nanga school of painting at the age of 12 under Hattori Goro. He moved to Tokyo at the age of 17, where he studied Western Oil painting with Oshita Tojiro and watercolor under Ishii Hakutei. Two years later his paintings were first accepted into the 8th Bunten National Exhibition under the name Kinro. That same year his work was honored in the Tokyo Taisho Hakurankai Exposition. In 1915 his paintings were again accepted into the Bunten where they were awarded Nyusen status. Despite his initial successes, he paled on Western painting and in 1917 decided to return to the Nanga school joining his initial teacher Hattori Goro who had relocated to Kyoto and it was from Goro that he received the name Niho which we know he was using by mid 1920 when Hattori fell ill, and Niho moved by introduction to study under Tajika Chikuson. In 1921, along with Komura Suiun, Ikeda Keisen, Yano Kyoson, Mizuta Chikuho, Mitsui Hanzan, and Kono Shuson he became a founding member of the Nihon Nanga-In society of literati artists. That same year his first collection of paintings was published, and he began a two year journey in China, which had become a Mecca for Japanese artists. He would consistently display at the Bunten/Teiten where he was consistently awarded, as well as the Nihon Nanga-In. In 1926 he would move to the tutelage of Komura Suiun in Tokyo, and be awarded at the Fist Shotoku Taishi Art Exhibition. He began exhibiting at the newly formed Nanga Renmei Exhibition in 1937 and in 1938 he established his own art salon. In 1940 he would change his name from Niho to Kanyu. Post war his participation in art expositions becomes sporadic. His final known painting, of Nijo castle, created in 1972 is held in the Kyoto prefectural Archives. Other work by him is held in the collections of the National Museum of Modern Art in Tokyo, the Kyoto Municipal Kyocera Museum, the Nîgata Prefectural Museum of Art, the Tenmon Museum in Osaka, the Korean National Museum in Seoul, the Smithsonian in Washington DC, the Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, the Minneapolis Institute of Art, the Honolulu Museum of Art and the Kaluz Museum in Mexico City among others.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Paintings : Pre 1930 item #1491726 (stock #N11)
The Kura
A peaceful cluster of homes blanketed in snow by Shirakura Niho enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Kamo Sekkei (Kamo in Snow). This is likely an image from very close to the artists heart, he lived west of the Kamo River in Kyoto, and one can imagine this being one of the bridges spanning that river he has seen out on a winter day. Ink,Gofun & Light color on Silk bordered in light colored cloth. The scroll is 46.5 x 203.5 cm (18-1/4 x 80 inches) and is in overall excellent condition. Niho was from Niigata prefecture, where harsh winters are the norm, and he was well known for his winter imagery.
Shirakura Kinichiro (Kinro, Niho or Jiho, Kanyu, 1896-1974) was born the first son of lawyer and scholar Shirakura Shigeichi in Shibata city, Niigata. His father was a noted Kangakusha, the pre-modern Japanese study of China; the counterpart of Kokugaku (Japanese Studies) and Yōgaku or Rangaku (Western or “Dutch” Studies). He was initially inducted into the Nanga school of painting at the age of 12 under Hattori Goro. He moved to Tokyo at the age of 17, where he studied Western Oil painting with Oshita Tojiro and watercolor under Ishii Hakutei. Two years later his paintings were first accepted into the 8th Bunten National Exhibition under the name Kinro. That same year his work was honored in the Tokyo Taisho Hakurankai Exposition. In 1915 his paintings were again accepted into the Bunten where they were awarded Nyusen status. Despite his initial successes, he paled on Western painting and in 1917 decided to return to the Nanga school joining his initial teacher Hattori Goro who had relocated to Kyoto and it was from Goro that he received the name Niho which we know he was using by mid 1920 when Hattori fell ill, and Niho moved by introduction to study under Tajika Chikuson. In 1921, along with Komura Suiun, Ikeda Keisen, Yano Kyoson, Mizuta Chikuho, Mitsui Hanzan, and Kono Shuson he became a founding member of the Nihon Nanga-In society of literati artists. That same year his first collection of paintings was published, and he began a two year journey in China, which had become a Mecca for Japanese artists. He would consistently display at the Bunten/Teiten where he was consistently awarded, as well as the Nihon Nanga-In. In 1926 he would move to the tutelage of Komura Suiun in Tokyo, and be awarded at the Fist Shotoku Taishi Art Exhibition. He began exhibiting at the newly formed Nanga Renmei Exhibition in 1937 and in 1938 he established his own art salon. In 1940 he would change his name from Niho to Kanyu. Post war his participation in art expositions becomes sporadic. His final known painting, of Nijo castle, created in 1972 is held in the Kyoto prefectural Archives. Other work by him is held in the collections of the National Museum of Modern Art in Tokyo, the Kyoto Municipal Kyocera Museum, the Nîgata Prefectural Museum of Art, the Tenmon Museum in Osaka, the Korean National Museum in Seoul, the Smithsonian in Washington DC, the Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, the Minneapolis Institute of Art, the Honolulu Museum of Art and the Kaluz Museum in Mexico City among others.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Porcelain : Pre 1900 item #1492827 (stock #K068)
The Kura
A large porcelain vase by) Daimaru Hokuho (Hoppo) enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Yellow Porcelain Lightning Pattern Vase. The vase is a perfect example of the Sinophile aesthetic that permeated Japanese art in the early 20th century. The simplified form rises to a row of alternating concentric lines known as Lightning pattern. It is 21 cm (8-1/2 inches) diameter 25 cm (10 inches) tall and is in excellent condition.
Daimaru Hokuho (also called Hoppo, 1879-1959 ) would have been rated in the top 10 porcelain artist of Kyoto, along with Suwa Sozan, Ito Suiko, Ito Tozan, Miyanaga Tozan, Takahashi Dohachi, Seifu Yohei, Kiyomizu Rokubei, Miura Chikusen and Kiyomizu Zoroku, all artists active from the Meiji through the early Showa eras. He is best remembered for his Chinese forms and Sencha thin tea ware. Born in Ishikawa in 1879, he was initially trained in ceramic painting by Seishichi Okura at the Kutani Ceramic Company of the Kutani tradition before moving to Kyoto in 1899 to study porcelain throwing and decoration there. In 1906, he was invited to teach at the Hunan Ceramics Department in Hunan Province, China, and devoted himself to research on Chinese ceramics, returning to Japan where he took up residence again in Kyoto in 1909 and began making ceramics, mainly tea utensils and sencha utensils. He exhibited many works at exhibitions, receiving numerous accolades, and his works were purchased by the Imperial Household Agency. Daimaru Hokuho II (Tatsuo, b. 1926) studied under both his father as well as both Kiyomizu Rokubei V and VI. He exhibited frequently with the Nitten National Exhibition, where he would serve as a judge.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Paintings : Pre 1930 item #1491467 (stock #N08)
The Kura
The ultimate in tranquility, a sage aloft his peak gazing out at the fresh green landscape, one can hear the rush of the falls in the distance, and occasional birdsong on the spring breeze. The painting is by Shirakura Niho and comes enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Kankyo Chosen (Leisure Life at the Quiet Spring). Ink & Pigment on Silk, it is 54.5 x 134.5 cm (21-1/2 x 53 inches) and is in excellent condition.
Shirakura Kinichiro (Kinro, Niho or Jiho, Kanyu, 1896-1974) was born the first son of lawyer and scholar Shirakura Shigeichi in Shibata city, Niigata. His father was a noted Kangakusha, the pre-modern Japanese study of China; the counterpart of Kokugaku (Japanese Studies) and Yōgaku or Rangaku (Western or “Dutch” Studies). He was initially inducted into the Nanga school of painting at the age of 12 under Hattori Goro. He moved to Tokyo at the age of 17, where he studied Western Oil painting with Oshita Tojiro and watercolor under Ishii Hakutei. Two years later his paintings were first accepted into the 8th Bunten National Exhibition under the name Kinro. That same year his work was honored in the Tokyo Taisho Hakurankai Exposition. In 1915 his paintings were again accepted into the Bunten where they were awarded Nyusen status. Despite his initial successes, he paled on Western painting and in 1917 decided to return to the Nanga school joining his initial teacher Hattori Goro who had relocated to Kyoto and it was from Goro that he received the name Niho which we know he was using by mid 1920 when Hattori fell ill, and Niho moved by introduction to study under Tajika Chikuson. In 1921, along with Komura Suiun, Ikeda Keisen, Yano Kyoson, Mizuta Chikuho, Mitsui Hanzan, and Kono Shuson he became a founding member of the Nihon Nanga-In society of literati artists. That same year his first collection of paintings was published, and he began a two year journey in China, which had become a Mecca for Japanese artists. He would consistently display at the Bunten/Teiten where he was consistently awarded, as well as the Nihon Nanga-In. In 1926 he would move to the tutelage of Komura Suiun in Tokyo, and be awarded at the Fist Shotoku Taishi Art Exhibition. He began exhibiting at the newly formed Nanga Renmei Exhibition in 1937 and in 1938 he established his own art salon. In 1940 he would change his name from Niho to Kanyu. Post war his participation in art expositions becomes sporadic. His final known painting, of Nijo castle, created in 1972 is held in the Kyoto prefectural Archives. Other work by him is held in the collections of the National Museum of Modern Art in Tokyo, the Kyoto Municipal Kyocera Museum, the Nîgata Prefectural Museum of Art, the Tenmon Museum in Osaka, the Korean National Museum in Seoul, the Smithsonian in Washington DC, the Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, the Minneapolis Institute of Art, the Honolulu Museum of Art and the Kaluz Museum in Mexico City among others.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Tea Articles : Pre 1930 item #1488518
The Kura
A beautifully carved tray of overlapping leaves interspersed with clustered grapes by Ichikawa Shudo signed on back in a circular cartouche. In one corner an odd round tail leads us to a squirrel head popping through the leaves, as if one were looking up through the vines toward the sky. It is 46 x 35 x 3 cm (roughly 18 x 14 x 1 inches) and is in overall fine condition, There is a slight warp to the bottom of the tray, but it is still bery usable and there is no damage to the carving. Ichikawa Shudo (1868-1933), also known as Shochikusai, brought unique characteristics to Himeji's wood crafts, leaving behind many elegant Sencha-style trays with his outstanding technique.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Paintings : Pre 1930 item #1491465 (stock #N07)
The Kura
A tiny figure sails on the placid lake depicted among exaggerated precipices of this early landscape by Shirakura Niho enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Shunpu Taito. Ink & Light color on Silk, it is 59 x 130 cm (23-1/4 x 51 inches) and is in overall excellent condition.
Shirakura Kinichiro (Kinro, Niho or Jiho, Kanyu, 1896-1974) was born the first son of lawyer and scholar Shirakura Shigeichi in Shibata city, Niigata. His father was a noted Kangakusha, the pre-modern Japanese study of China; the counterpart of Kokugaku (Japanese Studies) and Yōgaku or Rangaku (Western or “Dutch” Studies). He was initially inducted into the Nanga school of painting at the age of 12 under Hattori Goro. He moved to Tokyo at the age of 17, where he studied Western Oil painting with Oshita Tojiro and watercolor under Ishii Hakutei. Two years later his paintings were first accepted into the 8th Bunten National Exhibition under the name Kinro. That same year his work was honored in the Tokyo Taisho Hakurankai Exposition. In 1915 his paintings were again accepted into the Bunten where they were awarded Nyusen status. Despite his initial successes, he paled on Western painting and in 1917 decided to return to the Nanga school joining his initial teacher Hattori Goro who had relocated to Kyoto and it was from Goro that he received the name Niho which we know he was using by mid 1920 when Hattori fell ill, and Niho moved by introduction to study under Tajika Chikuson. In 1921, along with Komura Suiun, Ikeda Keisen, Yano Kyoson, Mizuta Chikuho, Mitsui Hanzan, and Kono Shuson he became a founding member of the Nihon Nanga-In society of literati artists. That same year his first collection of paintings was published, and he began a two year journey in China, which had become a Mecca for Japanese artists. He would consistently display at the Bunten/Teiten where he was consistently awarded, as well as the Nihon Nanga-In. In 1926 he would move to the tutelage of Komura Suiun in Tokyo, and be awarded at the Fist Shotoku Taishi Art Exhibition. He began exhibiting at the newly formed Nanga Renmei Exhibition in 1937 and in 1938 he established his own art salon. In 1940 he would change his name from Niho to Kanyu. Post war his participation in art expositions becomes sporadic. His final known painting, of Nijo castle, created in 1972 is held in the Kyoto prefectural Archives. Other work by him is held in the collections of the National Museum of Modern Art in Tokyo, the Kyoto Municipal Kyocera Museum, the Nîgata Prefectural Museum of Art, the Tenmon Museum in Osaka, the Korean National Museum in Seoul, the Smithsonian in Washington DC, the Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, the Minneapolis Institute of Art, the Honolulu Museum of Art and the Kaluz Museum in Mexico City among others.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Stoneware : Pre 1700 item #1489649 (stock #K076)
The Kura
An E-karatsu Yobitsugi bowl made of various shards attached with wide bands of gold to a discarded base: the pieces dating from the Momoyama to early Edo periods. It is 22 x 20 x 6 cm 8-1/2 x 8 x 2-1/4 inches) and comes enclosed in a modern kiri-wood collectors box titled E-Karatsu Hachi.
This method of using pieces from multiple works with lacquer repair is called Yobitsugi. Yobitsugi is a form of kintsugi that entails combining pieces of different objects together in order to create a completely new vessel. The newly created vessel is typically made of 60% – 70% of the first vessel and 30%-40% of the second vessel. Kintsugi embodies the spirit of wabi-sabi, a Japanese aesthetic worldview centered around imperfection, transience, and the beauty of the natural cycle of growth and decay. Embracing the flawed and broken aspects of an object through kintsugi is a way to appreciate the passage of time and the history of the object, recognizing that it gains value and character through its journey. Kintsugi aligns with traditional Japanese values of frugality and resourcefulness. Instead of discarding broken items, kintsugi repairs them, extending their lifespan and reducing waste. This approach reflects a profound respect for resources and a desire to cherish and honor the objects used in daily life. This is also a way to avoid offending the spirit of the object, as all items are embodied with a soul of some sort. The act of repairing broken pottery with gold-laced lacquer carries a symbolic message of resilience and overcoming adversity. The restored object becomes a metaphor for the human experience, highlighting that even after suffering damage or hardship, one can find beauty and strength through healing and renewal. In the context of the Japanese tea ceremony kintsugi plays a vital role in enhancing the overall aesthetic experience, especially during the tenth month. The practice of kintsugi encourages contemplation and introspection during the tea ceremony. Guests may be reminded of the impermanence of all things and the beauty that can arise from embracing life's scars and vulnerabilities. Overall, kintsugi holds a deep cultural and philosophical significance in Japanese culture, symbolizing beauty in imperfection, respect for resources, and the resilience of both objects and individuals. In the context of the tea ceremony, it enriches the aesthetics and fosters a sense of mindfulness and appreciation for the present moment.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Porcelain : Pre 1900 item #1492224 (stock #K035)
The Kura
The mouth of this vase opens like the thickly petaled chrysanthemum flower over a body decorated in thin blue with a roiling landscape of lakes and trees dotted with pavilions. It is an excellent example of the Hirado tradition in the 19th century. The vase is 14 cm (5-1/2 inches) diameter,28.8 cm (11-1/2 inches) tall and is in excellent condition.
The story of Hirado porcelain begins with the Matsura clan, who ruled over the Hirado domain during the Edo period (1603-1868). The feudal lord Matsura Takanobu, played a pivotal role in the development of the industry. In the early 17th century, Takanobu, inspired by the burgeoning popularity of continental ceramics, sought to establish a local porcelain production center on the island. To realize his vision, he invited Korean potters, renowned for their expertise in ceramic artistry, to migrate to Hirado and share their knowledge. This influx of Korean artisans infused the local ceramic industry with new techniques, designs, and aesthetic sensibilities. Under the guidance of these Korean masters, Hirado kilns began producing exquisite porcelain wares that reflected both Korean influences and indigenous Japanese artistic elements. The early Hirado pieces often featured delicate forms, refined decoration, and a distinctive creamy white glaze that set them apart from other ceramic styles of the time. Hirado porcelain quickly gained favor among the Japanese aristocracy and became highly sought after for its exceptional craftsmanship and aesthetic appeal. Throughout the Edo era, Hirado porcelain flourished, enjoying patronage from feudal lords, samurai elites, and wealthy merchants. The Matsura clan's support and encouragement further fueled the growth of the local ceramic industry, leading to innovations in techniques and designs. In fact one of the defining characteristics of Hirado porcelain was its ability to adapt and incorporate various influences while maintaining its distinct identity. While initially inspired by Korean and Chinese ceramics, Hirado porcelain gradually evolved its own unique style, blending elements of traditional Japanese aesthetics with innovative approaches to form and decoration. This fusion of influences contributed to the allure and enduring appeal of Hirado porcelain both domestically and internationally.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Paintings : Pre 1920 item #1492549 (stock #Z093)
The Kura
A ghost rises from the darkness pulling on her hair, a wry grin as she looks sideways at the viewer on this antique painting by Moriwaki Unkei. Ink on paper completely cleaned and remounted in vine patterned blue silk with dark wood rollers. There are old age stains on the paper, which appear much stronger in the photos than in life. It is 40 x 200 cm (15-3/4 x 78-3/4 inches) and in excellent condition.
Moriwaki Unkei (1858-1946) was born in Tanakura-cho, Kawaetsu-han (Fukushima prefecture), in the final years of the Edo period. He studied Nanga, literati painting, then moved to Tokyo in 1899 where he helped found the Nihon Nansoga-kai painting organization. His works were shown at the Naikoku Hakurankai and Bunten National Exhibitions among others.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Tea Articles : Pre 1930 item #1488432
The Kura
Autumnal favorites, a basket of Mattake mushrooms and spiny cluster of chestnuts have been carved into the surface of this pine-wood tray by Ichikawa Shudo dated on back to early summer, 1915 and signed Kochikusai Shudo-to (Carved by Kochikusai Shudo). It is 49 x 31 x 3 cm (roughly 19-1/2 x 15-1/2 x 1 inches) and is in excellent condition. Ichikawa Shudo (1868-1933), also known as Shochikusai, brought unique characteristics to Himeji's wood crafts, leaving behind many elegant Sencha-style trays with his outstanding technique.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Sculpture : Pre 1900 item #1492677 (stock #K064)
The Kura
A pair of masks representing the two variations of Tengu, the long nosed Tengu and the Karasu (Crow) Tengu mounted on a wooden placard dating from the Meiji period. Each mask is of carved and lacquered wood with inset glass eyes. The placard is 38cm (15 inches) wide 22.5 cm (9 inches) tall and the masks are roughly 11 cm (4 inches plus) in depth. It looks as if the Karasu Tengu mask has had the eyes repaired, and they appear cloudy by comparison to those of the the long nosed partner.
The long-nosed and or Beaked Tengu is a mythical creature from Japanese folklore. Tengu are believed to be supernatural beings often depicted with human and bird-like features. They're known for their long noses, which can vary in length depending on the depiction. Tengu are often associated with mountain forests and are considered protectors of the mountains. They are known for their mischievous nature, martial arts prowess, and sometimes for teaching humans valuable lessons or skills. In Japanese culture, Tengu are a fascinating blend of reverence and fear, embodying both the spiritual and the natural worlds.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Paintings : Pre 1900 item #1492548 (stock #Z094)
The Kura
Long verses fall like rain upon the sinister figure of an Oni (type of devil) dressed in the habit of a priest who glares as he walks through the village, banging out a warning to all evil-doers. Around his neck hangs a bell which he clangs loudly with the hammer held high in one hand. The stern figure carries in the other hand a booklet titled Hogacho. A Hogacho is a record of the name and quantity of persons who donated (hoga) for projects such as the construction and repair of temples or shrines and the publication of scriptures. In the case of the Oni, his Hogacho records the sins and misdeeds of humans for payment in the after world. On his back is an umbrella. Ink on paper in a simple brown cloth border with highlights of Kinran gold in the Ichimonji above and below with dark lacquered wooden rollers like the shift of a priest moving to reveal the regal robes beneath. It is 39.7 x 179 cm (15-1/2 x 70-1/2 inches) and has been completely cleaned and remounted.
The Oni, often depicted as hulking, fearsome creatures with horns, sharp claws, and a menacing appearance, are a prominent feature in Japanese folklore, Buddhist lore, and broader Japanese culture. Their role and representation have evolved over time, encompassing a range of meanings and functions across different contexts.
In folklore, Oni are typically portrayed as malevolent spirits or demons representing chaos, destruction, and malevolence. They are often depicted as ogre-like beings with red or blue skin, wild hair, and tusks. They are known to cause mischief, bring calamities, and even consume human flesh. Oni are common antagonists in folktales, serving as the embodiment of evil and chaos. However, Oni can also have more nuanced roles. In some stories, they are not purely evil but rather more complex characters with a potential for redemption. Thus in Buddhist tradition, Oni take on additional layers of symbolism. They are often seen as the enforcers in hell (Jigoku), punishing the wicked for their sins. In this context, Oni are agents of karmic retribution, ensuring that sinners face the consequences of their actions. This role reinforces the moral lessons of Buddhism, emphasizing the importance of virtuous behavior to avoid suffering in the afterlife. Sometimes the concept of Oni in Buddhism is more metaphorical, representing inner demons or the obstacles one must overcome on the path to enlightenment. They symbolize inner struggles with the vices and negative emotions such as anger, greed, and ignorance that hinder spiritual progress.
In contemporary Japanese culture, Oni have become more multifaceted. They appear in various media, including literature, art, film, and video games, often with different interpretations. While they still retain their traditional fearsome attributes, they are sometimes depicted in a more humorous or sympathetic light. For example, the Oni character in the popular manga and anime "Dragon Ball" is portrayed as a bureaucratic worker in the afterlife, adding a humorous twist to their traditional role. They also feature prominently in cultural festivals such as Setsubun, celebrated on February 3rd during which people perform rituals to drive away evil spirits. One common practice is the throwing of roasted soybeans (mamemaki) while chanting "Oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi" ("Oni out, good fortune in"), which is meant to cleanse the home and welcome good luck.
The enduring presence and adaptability of the Oni in Japanese culture underscore their significance as both a reflection of societal values and a versatile symbol in the collective imagination.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Stoneware : Pre 1700 item #1487575
The Kura
A lovely chawan made of three separate excavated shards connected by lines of gold dating from the Kamakura to early Muromachi periods (13th to 14th centuries). It is 15.7 cm diameter, 7 cm tall and in excellent condition, enclosed in an old wooden box.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Metalwork : Pre 1900 item #1492442 (stock #K058)
The Kura
A wildly crafted bronze image of a shishi lion breathing out a cloud forming the basin for a flower arrangement (known as an usubata). The curly hair has been somehow flaked off and maintained during the casting process, quite an exceptional example. The basin can be removed from the mouth of the creature. Assembled it is 32 x 28 x 33 cm tall (12-3/4 x 11-1/4 x 13 inches) and weighs 4390 grams (9.5 pounds). It is in fine original condition.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Paintings : Pre 1930 item #1491781 (stock #N12)
The Kura
A sparse image of tiny boats, sails stretched with wind floating out off the coast by Shirakura Niho enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Enko Hobari (Sails Stretched in the Distant Harbor). Pigment on silk bordered in patterned cloth extended in beige. The scroll is 65.5 x 132.5 cm (25-3/4 x 52 inches). There is some toning to the silk typical of age, but is in overall fine condition.
Shirakura Kinichiro (Kinro, Niho or Jiho, Kanyu, 1896-1974) was born the first son of lawyer and scholar Shirakura Shigeichi in Shibata city, Niigata. His father was a noted Kangakusha, the pre-modern Japanese study of China; the counterpart of Kokugaku (Japanese Studies) and Yōgaku or Rangaku (Western or “Dutch” Studies). He was initially inducted into the Nanga school of painting at the age of 12 under Hattori Goro. He moved to Tokyo at the age of 17, where he studied Western Oil painting with Oshita Tojiro and watercolor under Ishii Hakutei. Two years later his paintings were first accepted into the 8th Bunten National Exhibition under the name Kinro. That same year his work was honored in the Tokyo Taisho Hakurankai Exposition. In 1915 his paintings were again accepted into the Bunten where they were awarded Nyusen status. Despite his initial successes, he paled on Western painting and in 1917 decided to return to the Nanga school joining his initial teacher Hattori Goro who had relocated to Kyoto and it was from Goro that he received the name Niho which we know he was using by mid 1920 when Hattori fell ill, and Niho moved by introduction to study under Tajika Chikuson. In 1921, along with Komura Suiun, Ikeda Keisen, Yano Kyoson, Mizuta Chikuho, Mitsui Hanzan, and Kono Shuson he became a founding member of the Nihon Nanga-In society of literati artists. That same year his first collection of paintings was published, and he began a two year journey in China, which had become a Mecca for Japanese artists. He would consistently display at the Bunten/Teiten where he was consistently awarded, as well as the Nihon Nanga-In. In 1926 he would move to the tutelage of Komura Suiun in Tokyo, and be awarded at the Fist Shotoku Taishi Art Exhibition. He began exhibiting at the newly formed Nanga Renmei Exhibition in 1937 and in 1938 he established his own art salon. In 1940 he would change his name from Niho to Kanyu. Post war his participation in art expositions becomes sporadic. His final known painting, of Nijo castle, created in 1972 is held in the Kyoto prefectural Archives. Other work by him is held in the collections of the National Museum of Modern Art in Tokyo, the Kyoto Municipal Kyocera Museum, the Nîgata Prefectural Museum of Art, the Tenmon Museum in Osaka, the Korean National Museum in Seoul, the Smithsonian in Washington DC, the Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, the Minneapolis Institute of Art, the Honolulu Museum of Art and the Kaluz Museum in Mexico City among others.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Stoneware : Pre 1920 item #1491861 (stock #K022)
The Kura
A masterpiece of Akahada Pottery ware in the shape of a wooden bucket with elaborate scrolling feet from the kiln of Okuda Mokuhaku. It is 18 x 18 x 19 cm (7 x 7 x 7-1/2 inches) and is in excellent condition, enclosed in a modern wooden collector’s box.
Okuda Mokuhaku (1800-1871) was born the son of a merchant in Sakai Machi Yamato Koriyama in Nara Prefecture that served the local lords with hair ornaments, make-up supplies and other fashionable items. His given name was Kamematsu, which was changed to Sahe-e upon reaching adulthood. He was enthralled with the tea ceremony from a young age, and enjoyed making Raku ware, so it was no surprise later when he quit the family business and became a potter. He established the pottery style known today as Akahada-yaki. With his outstanding design and technical prowess, Akahada pottery came to be highly regarded as utensils for the Japanese tea ceremony, earning him the reputation as a master craftsman of the Edo period who made Akahada pottery known to the world.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Lacquer : Pre 1800 item #1487278
The Kura
A bucolic scene of temples and rugged seaside hills dotted with pagodas in silver and gold wraps around the black surface of this deep tray dating from the Momoyama to early Edo period (16th-17th century). It is 27 cm (10-1/2 inches) diameter, 8.5 cm (3-3/8 inches) tall. The bottom has been re-lacquered at some time in the past. There is wear and cracks to the inside typical of age and use, and the rim has been re-done in gin-dame powdered tarnished-silver, which blends well with the ancient feeling of the piece.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Furniture : Pre 1900 item #1495909 (stock #K155)
The Kura
A set of 5 matching candle sticks in the shape of nets drying on a pole enclosed in the original antique wooden box. Dating from the 19th century (Late Edo to Meiji periods), they are 28 cm (11 inches) tall, 12 cm (5 inches) diameter and in overall excellent condition.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Paintings : Pre 1900 item #1493844 (stock #K112)
The Kura
A hand painted cloth banner decorated with imagery by various artists including the Nanga School literati artists Tanomura Chokunyu (1814-1907) and Nakanishi Koseki (1807-1884) as well as Tanaka Koha of the Kagetsuan School of Sencha and Confucian scholar Goto Shoin (1797-1864) and Hirose Kyokuso (1807-1863) who were two of the most important followers of Rai Sanyo. The date Konoe-saru (year of the monkey in metal) is visible in both the central leaf and the lower left gourd image. Judging then by the 60 year cyclical zodiac calendar it dates from the fifth month of 1860. The title, signed Shochiku-Rojin (the old man Shochiku), reads Betsu-yu-ten-chi-hi-jin-kan, a poetic phrase meaning there are other worlds aside from that of the human plane, specifically alluding to a world without human desire. Perhaps when these learned gentlemen gathered for tea beyond this curtain, they felt that they had experienced one of these other worlds. The cloth is 91 x 160 cm (36 x 63 inches) including a pouch through which a bamboo stave would have been run for hanging. Toned somewhat with age, the fibers are strong
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Lacquer : Pre 1930 item #1492917 (stock #K089)
The Kura
A set of five lacquer lined covered bowls made from natural gourds enclosed in an age darkened wooden box titled Hyo Suimono Wan indicating they are for serving thin soup to cleanse the palate between courses. In Japanese cuisine, presentation is everything. Texture and color may in fact be more important than flavor. The dishes used as well, should be a feast for the eyes, and you will find every aspect of the traditional meal is presented in its own unique setting. These bowls are 7 to 8.5 cm (roughly 3 inches plus) diameter, 7 cm tall (roughly 3 inches) and all are in excellent condition. According to Arigatojapan, Suimono, literally meaning 'dish to sip,' is a refreshing type of clear soup that is meant to cleanse the palate in between dishes. Often very light and slightly umami in taste, it is one of the oldest and most traditional foods in Japanese cuisine.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Porcelain : Pre 1900 item #1495671 (stock #NA)
The Kura
A set of two large deep Imari fluted porcelain bowls dating from the later Edo to Meiji period (19th century) decorated with blossoming cherry trees over wave frets with a rabbit in blue in the center. Each is roughly 16.5 cm (6-1/2 inches) diameter, 11.5 cm ((4-1/2 inches) tall and both are in overall fine condition.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Stoneware : Pre 1900 item #1495922 (stock #K159)
The Kura
A set of five fluted dishes decorated with draped branches dating from the mid to later Edo period enclosed in a period age-darkened wooden box. Several have had repairs made with lacquer nad powdered silver, enhancing the beauty and sense of age. They all bear on the base the Mizoro stamp impressed into the raw earth. Each is 16 x 10 x 4.5 cm (6 x 4 x 2 inches) and all are in overall fine condition, with the silver repairs blending with the finely crackled glaze and dark iron decoration.
Many people think of Kiyomizu-yaki as the only type of pottery in Kyoto, but there are other types of pottery such as Awata-yaki, Otowa-yaki, Iwakura-yaki, Asahi-yaki, Raku-yaki, and Mizoro-yaki. Mizoro-yaki is a type of Kyo-yaki that was fired in Atago-gun, North of central Kyoto. There are many mysteries and rumors about the origins of the pottery. According to Tauchi Baiken's "Thoughts on Ceramics" written in the Ansei era, Ninsei Nonomura started Mizoro ware. Other documents, from the Enpo period, Taihei of Mizoro Village became an apprentice at Higashiyama Seikanji Yaki Ichimonjiya, and then returned to the village and opened a kiln. According to the "100 Year History of Kyo Yaki", it was established in 1554 AD by Yozo Unsonin. In any event, it is generally agreed to have begun by the mid 17th century, and lasted for about two hundred years.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Porcelain : Pre 1900 item #1492362 (stock #K057)
The Kura
Gargoyle or bat-like dragon-esque creatures spread their wings among tendrils of flame on the heavily decorated blue sides of this large pair of 19th century Sometsuke Japanese nesting bowls. Within boats ply the placid waters. The larger bowl is 24.5 cm (just less than 10 inches) diameter,10cm (4 inches) tall. The smaller is 21 cm diameter, 10cm tall and both are in excellent condition, dating from the 19th century.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Porcelain : Pre 1900 item #1493633 (stock #K149)
The Kura
A cluster of Blue and White Edo period Imari bowls which melted together in the inferno and fused, three becoming one in a fortuitous accident. The Japanese have long held these flaws in high esteem, accentuating the ideas of Wabi-sabi and the ephemeral which permeate Japanese culture. Roughly 24 x 16 x 8 cm (9-1/2 x 6 x 3 inches), a very interesting addition to the table.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Stoneware : Pre 1930 item #1493651 (stock #K059)
The Kura
Something wild remains in the expression of this quiet little creature hiding away from human eyes. It is Bizen pottery, dating from the 19th to early 20th century, when Saikumono sculptural works were at their peak of production. It is 10.5 x 17.5 x 10.5 cm (4 x 7-1/2 x 4 inches) and is in excellent condition.
The Bizen pottery tradition in Japan dates back over a thousand years, tracing its roots to the Heian period (794-1185). Located in the Okayama Prefecture, the Bizen region has been renowned for its unique style of pottery, characterized by rustic simplicity, earthy textures, and natural aesthetics. The beauty of Bizen pottery lies in its adherence to wood-fired kilns. The firing process is crucial, as it allows for the spontaneous creation of unpredictable patterns and colors on the pottery's surface. These effects result from the interaction of flames, ash, and minerals present in the clay during the high-temperature firing, reaching up to 1300 degrees Celsius. Bizen ware typically features unglazed surfaces, showcasing the natural qualities of the clay itself. The pottery's reddish-brown coloration, derived from the iron-rich clay native to the Bizen region, is emblematic of its organic appeal. Saiku-mono or figurative pottery works were very popular in the 19th and early 20th centuries, and that tradition still exists today. Simplicity of form, often inspired by nature and everyday objects, enhances the pottery's charm. Its rustic elegance and understated sophistication resonate with collectors and enthusiasts worldwide.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Stoneware : Pre 1900 item #1494791 (stock #K142)
The Kura
A set of five covered bowls from the Akashi kilns of the 19th century decorated with cotton flowers on brown sandy clay. Each bowl is roughly 11.5 cm (4-1/2 inches) diameter, 6 cm (2-1/4 inches) deep. There are minor abrasions to the soft clay along the rims, but no cracks, and overall in rare fine used condition. Akashiyaki is a type of ceramic from Akashi, Hyogo Prefecture influenced by Mishima, Ko-Kiyomizu and Ninsei wares which reached its peak in the latter half of the Edo period. At the beginning of the Edo period, Tadazane Ogasawara from the Matsumoto domain of Shinano Province was granted the Akashi area with a value of 100,000 koku and founded the Akashi domain. Tadamasa strove to establish Akashi Castle and improve the castle town and economics of the province. According to one theory, Tadamasa initially invited Nonomura Ninsei from Kyoto, and had him develop a kiln to fire pottery which began the industry development. In the Genna era, a government kiln was built and Toda Oribenosuke began firing pottery in Akaura, Toba village. This is known today as Ko-akashiyaki. Bizen-style and Mishima-style tea pottery were produced and loved by tea masters. After that, the production of Akashiyaki was suspended for a period of time during the Tenmei period, but Tezuka Magoichiro, the group magistrate of Akashi Town, had Yamada Kikutaro reestablish the industry during the boom years of the Bunka/Bunsei eras in the early 19th century. Akashiyaki continued to be produced in this way into the Meiji era, however most of the production was for everyday items, and was rarely fired in large quantities, so as mass production took over it declined flourished from the end of the Meiji period to the beginning of the Taisho period
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Lacquer : Pre 1920 item #1492338 (stock #K056)
The Kura
The outside of this elegantly understated container is simply semitransparent red lacquer over cloth in the Tame-nuri style opening to reveal an interior glowing with large patches of applied gold and silver. It is 20.5 cm (8 inches) square, 10 cm (4 inches) tall and in overall excellent condition, with minor marks from use on the bottom. Inside the box is contained a number of papers as well as a receipt from the late Meiji period, circa 1910.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Lacquer : Pre 1930 item #1492071 (stock #K026)
The Kura
Gold forms a billowing pine tree lavishly applied to the dark lacquered body of this wooden water jar enclosed in the original wooden box titled Ikkan Mage-Mizusashi, Oimatsu signed by both the wood craftsman and the lacquer artist. It is 15 cm (6 inches) diameter 16cm tall and in excellent condition, dating from the early 20th century.
The term Ikkan in the title is after Hirai Ikkan, who mastered the technique of creating lacquered receptacles of thin bent and glued wood which were incredibly durable and did not warp or deform with time.
All Items : Antiques : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Stoneware : Pre 1900 item #1494819 (stock #NA)
The Kura
A meek mouse huddles between erratic designs on the crackled-cream colored surface of this lidded container dating from the later 19th century Awata Kilns of Kyoto. It is 17 cm diameter, 11 cm tall and in excellent condition.
Awata, or Awataguchi, was the end of the Tokaido road connecting Kyoto and the Edo period capital of Tokyo. Potteries began there in the opening years of the Edo period.