The Kura - Japanese Art Treasures
Robert Mangold has been working with Japanese antiques since 1995 with an emphasis on ceramics, Paintings, Armour and Buddhist furniture.
Buddhist Carving from the Main Tower of Himeji Castle
Boat Shaped Celadon Koro by Miyagawa (Makuzu) Kozan
Bizen Saikumono Rabbit Okimono
Beautiful Pottery Bowl by 11th Generation Raku Keinyu
A Skeleton Wedding, Taisho Painting by Shoken
A Serene Meeting at the Falls by Shirakura Niho
Art Deco era Bronze Vase by Yamamoto Junmin
Antique Oribe Kogo with Kintsugi Gold Lacquer Repair
Antique Japanese Vase, Kiyomizu Rokubei V & Domoto Insho
Antique Japanese Tsuzumi bako Lacquer box, Meiho
Antique Japanese Tobe Yaki Vase with Bamboo Basketry
Sale Pending
Antique Japanese Takatori-yaki Koro with Silver Lid
Antique Japanese Taireiji Vase by Kiyomizu Rokubei V
Antique Japanese Skeleton Painting by Buddhist Priest, Ryuon
Antique Japanese Silk Landscape Scroll by Shirakura Niho
Antique Japanese Shishu Framed Embroidery
Antique Japanese Scroll, Oni in Priests Robes by Soryu
Antique Japanese Scholar Object Wood Carving
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