The Kura - Japanese Art Treasures
Robert Mangold has been working with Japanese antiques since 1995 with an emphasis on ceramics, Paintings, Armour and Buddhist furniture.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #881881 (stock #ANR2564)
The Kura
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Flora in heavy pigment decorate the gold leaves of this two panel Rimpa screen dating from the late 18th to early 19th centuries. Tinges of red bring a brush of Autumn to the various grasses and flowers. Heavy veining on the gold as well, evidences the age and brings to vivid life the scene in the fore. The screen has been restored at some time in the distant past with some repairs performed then, and is bordered with patterned blue silk in a natural wood frame. Each panel measures 24-1/2 by 71-1/2 inches (63 x 181 cm) and is in very presentable condition.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #1455733 (stock #TCR8286)
The Kura
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This little guy is just about the cutest thing I have ever seen. A tiny mouse rests atop a bulging white radish, bristling blue leaves in full detail attached as if pulled fresh from the ground. Dating from the 19th century (later Edo to early Meiji period), it comes enclosed in an age darkened wooden box titled Daikon Nezumi Futamono (Radish/Mouse Lidded Receptacle). I confess in over 25 years dealing in Japanese art and antiques I have never seen one like it. It is in excellent condition. Unlike in the west, the mouse is viewed as a symbol of fortune, as mice only gather in homes where there is an abundance of food. The Daikon radish as well, is a symbol of fortune as it grows rapidly. If someone does not scream Kawaii I will not be able to take it!
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #1309169 (stock #MOR4923)
The Kura
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A bridge and weeping-cherry (shidare sakura) draped over swirling eddies on this silver lidded Meiji period Koro incense burner on its original matching table. On the table a waterwheel is visible downstream from the same scene, tiny silver beads floating on the crests of the ripples. The incense burner has a silver lid and removable liner, with a nashiji gold-flaked bottom. It is 4-1/2 inches (11.5 cm) diameter and in fine condition. The table is 14-1/2 x 7 x 2-1/2 inches (37 x 17.5 x 6 cm) and is also in overall fine condition. There were originally many more silver flecks on the waves, which have been lost to time. Both come inclosed in period Kiri-wood boxes.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #1352390 (stock #TCR6383)
The Kura
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A ceramic cover for a tea room brazier in the shape of a devil dressed in priests robes dated and annotated within. Dating from the Ansei era, inside it is annotated by Daiko Sogen (1772-1860), 435th head of Daitokuji. Well known for his poetry and mastery of the Tea Ceremony, he taught Zen to Eiraku Hozen, and was compatriot to Gengensai. It is 34.5 x 34.5 x 30 cm (13-1/2 x 13-1/2 x 12 inches) and is in fine condition.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #1400498 (stock #TCR6924)
The Kura
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A rare set of five tiny Gosu cups for drinking Gyokuro steaped tea from the Shidehara kiln of Sanda in Hyogo prefecture dating from mid to later 19th century (Late Edo to Meiji). Fish circle the cups as they swim among water plants. Each cup is 2 inches (5 cm) diameter and in great condition.
Shidehara was a kiln established in the Sanda district of Hyogo prefecture in the mid 18th century. They created works based on continental styles of Gosu, Sometsuke, aka-e and later celadon. It is from this kiln that Sanda-yaki was born, to become a major production area for celadons and other pottery styles starting in the late 18th century.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #651622 (stock #MOR2110)
The Kura
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As the enlightened man is a product of this world so too the Lotus grows in the mire, a symbol of the attainable state of Nirvana. Here is a breathtaking hand-made bronze Koro in the shape of a blossoming lotus in deep red patination dating from the late Edo to Meiji period (mid to late 19th century). Consisting of 30 individual pieces, each petal is uniquely incised with veins by the hammer and chisel of some long lost craftsman. The base is a large leaf turned upside down, rising on a roundel to the base of the many petaled flower, in the center of which lies the seedpod, into which the incense would have been placed. The outer most petals are highly polished from over a century of handling, and the base is worn, glowing soft gold where it rests on the table. Truly one of the most beautiful Koro we have owned. It stands 4 inches (11 cm) tall, 5-1/2 inches (14 cm) diameter.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #667639 (stock #TCR2166)
The Kura
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Nita A ring of skulls playfully sojourn on the front of this rather unusual deep Edo Karatsu Chawan. On back another pair tumble helplessly over the thick speckled glaze. The base is bare earth, dark and shiny with age and handling. The skulls are not just resist painted on, but are actually incised, the eyes and nostrils set deep into the southern clay. The bowl is 3-1/2 inches (8.5 cm) tall, roughly 4 inches (10.5 cm) diameter and is in excellent condition, enclosed in a wooden box.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #1383114 (stock #MOR6775)
The Kura
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Iyashiku mo tsune areba
hisashi hisashikereba onozu kara yoi kaori wo harau
If you perservere (with proper living), the years will grant you success. This was a famous last line from a treatise written by revered Han Dynasty scholar Cui Yuan (Cui Ziyu, 78–143). These same words were famously written by Kukai (Kobodaishi 774-835) the founder of Shingon escoteric Buddhism in Japan. The calligraphic style appears to be taken directly from the Saishigyoku Zayumei, written by Kukai, owned by the Masuda clan (now with Mt. Koya). Red over black lacquer on wood it is 11 x 69 x 3/4 inches (28 x 176 x 2 cm) and is in overall fine condition, with wear to the lacquer accenting the age. This is called a hashira-kake among other terms. It would have been possibly hung on a post in a temple or in an entrance hall (perhaps a Terakoya or Juku (School) or Confucian or Taoist institution or a public building, a reminder to people entering of some famous verse which would bring them into the correct frame of mind. Much like a scroll in a tea room, or a calligraphy screen in a zen monastery. It is in very good condition for something which has been exposed for centuries. There is enough wear to the lacquer to allow the black through in some places, accentuating the Negoro process, but not too much to be called damage.
The poem, written in 100 characters can be roughly translated to: Don't talk about the shortcomings of others, don't boast about your strengths. Do not gloat your goodnesses and don't forget the grace of others. Praise of the world is not worthy of envy, Choose benevolence as your code of conduct. Act after due consideration. Pay no attention to the ill spoken of you and speak no ill of others. Don't overrate your accomplishments, but consider yourself a fool as the saints did. Do not allow yourself to be sullied by the world. Although the outer surface is dull, maintain your inner light. Lao Tzu once warned that weakness is a manifestation of strength. Strength lies in humility, live simple and your possibilities will grow. The sage must be cautious in diet, drink and desire. Follow Faithfully These Tenets and you will Reap Sweet Scents Throughout your Years.
Due to size the cost of shipping will be accrued separately.
For a complete translation with original script please contact me.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #343708 (stock #TCR1272)
The Kura
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A pair of ancient iron tongs for working charcoal within the furo during the Japanese Tea Ceremony enclosed in an ancient wooden box titled HiBashi, Todaiji Kawara-Kugi, or charcoal tongs, Todaiji, Roof Tile Nails. One of the nails shows deterioration in the center where it rusted on the surface between the tile and the roof. The hand forged nails are just over 9 inches (23.5 cm) long, folded over on the flattened ends to form the head. The polished rusty surface, and the manner in which the heads have pitted is the essence of wabi! An excellent addition to the tea room.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #387020 (stock #ALR1443)
The Kura
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A beautifully written tea room scroll by 19th century calligraphist and seer/soothsayer Yokoyama Marumitsu (1780-1854) bordered in pale green brocade and featuring bone rollers. The calligraphy is very expressive, dark lines varying dramatically in width as they curl down the wide sheet. The signature line reads A 72 year old man Kiosanjin Marumitsu making the scroll date to 1851 by Japanese age count(Kiosanjin was one of his many literary names). Aside from minor wrinkles (not hard creases) the scroll is in excellent condition, and measures 24-3/4 by 49 inches (63 x 124.5 cm). Born in Edo (present day Tokyo), Marumitsu was actually a bit of a forward thinking individual in his time who believed every person was born with a unique character that was buried over time by societal pressure, and the only way to live happily was to toss out ideas contrary to the inner self, thereby purifying ones true form. He was a proponent of the ancient Chinese art of Tengen-Jutsu, a fortune telling method he studied under Okuno Kiyojiro. My interpretation of the scroll: The middle lines are a bit sparse and difficult to read, however, overall the gist seems to be: Everyone has shame, The original heaven (self?) lies deep within, Gods willing (not in the western sense of god), Fortune will arise, A full life. My interpretation is: We have all a dubious past, but true heaven lies within, and gods be willing, through our own effort, the god within will shine, calling fortune. Allowing a full life. Given the context of the artist, this seems to be an apt work.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #1372683 (stock #ALR6642)
The Kura
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A most exciting find, a scroll by five of the greatest scholar-painters of the Meiji period, Tanomura Chokunyu, Suzuki Hyakunen, Tomioka Tessai, Nyoi Sanjin and Yamanaka Shinten-o; all of whom resided in Kyoto during the Meiji period. Ink on paper in a brown cloth border befitting the Daoist figures. It comes in an annotated by by Tessai from 1911. The scroll is 29-1/4 x 75-1/2 inches (74 x 192 cm) and is in excellent condition.
Nyoi Sanjin (Tani Tetsuomi, 1822-1905) was born the son of a Doctor serving the powerful Ii clan of the Hikone fief on the Tokaido road between Kyoto and Tokyo. Trained as a samurai and a doctor (including Western medicine in Nagasaki), he sided with the imperialist cause during the troubled times of the 1850s and 60s while working as a Doctor in Hikone. He served in governmental posts after the restoration of the Emperor in 1867, retiring to Kyoto in the 1880s.
Suzuki Hyakunen (1825-1891) was born in Kyoto and studied under Yokoyama Kakei. He served as a professor at the Kyoto Prefectural School of Painting (modern University of Art) and thus mentor to many young artists of his day, including his own son Suzuki Shonen. Works by him are held in the V&A, Ashmolean, Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Philadelphia Museum of Art, University of Michigan as well as a host of Domestic institutions.
Tanomura Chokunyu (1814-1907) was born in Oita (the Oka Feif) and studied initially under Okamoto Baisetsu before moving to paint under the famous literatus Tanomura Chikuden (1777-1835), who adopted him as a son and had a very strong influence on the young artist. Upon Chikudens death he also studied briefly under Oshio Chusai (1792-1837) then finally ventured out on his own upon that teachers passing. He moved to Kyoto, where he helped found the Kyoto Municipal School of painting and eventually withdrew from the world, becoming an Obaku Zen Monk in 1902.
Tomioka Tessai (1837-1924)was a scholar artist trained from age seven in the traditional Confucian manner. After the death of his father he was apprenticed to a Shinto shrine, and later was forced to escape the capitol to Kyushu to avoid arrest for anti-governmental actions he had taken on part of the Imperial cause. Here he began serious study of Literati painting and furthered his scholarly research. Upon returning to Kyoto he was befriended by and moved to work under Otagaki Rengetsu, from whom he was heavily influenced. He helped to establish the Nihon Nanga-In and held a number of important positions, culminating in being appointed the official painter of the Emperor and a member of the Imperial Art Academy; the highest honor in Japanese Art circles. He is represented in innumerable important collections. Information on this important person is readily available, for more see Scholar Painters of Japan by Cahill (1972), Roberts Dictionary, or a quick internet search will find plenty of reading. He is held in the Tokyo National Museum, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Kyoto, V&A etc…
Yamanaka Shinten-o (Seittsu 1822-1885) was born near Nagoya in the village of Higashiura, the second son of a wealthy farming family. After studying in Osaka with scholar Shinozaki Shochiku (1781-1851), he moved after to Kyoto where he became a member of the anti-governmental movement supporting restoration f the Emperor. Following the repression of 1858 when many opposition figures were arrested and executed, Shinten’o went to Ise and studied with Saito Setsudo (1791-1865) for three years before returning to Kyoto. He was an active supporter of imperial loyalists, providing food and money to the troops fighting to establish the new regime. In recognition of his support he was appointed to a series of governmental posts. In 1873 he quit the world of politics to begin a quiet life of scholarly pursuits in the Shimogamo area of Kyoto and established a sprawling villa in Arashiyama so well regarded was that the Meiji Emperor stayed there during his 1877 visit to Kyoto.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #1317203 (stock #TCR4848)
The Kura
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A bakumatsu era (mid 19th century) Shishi Koro of dark red clay covered in a rich green glaze from the Banko kilns in Mie. It is 14 x 24 x 8 cm (9 x 5-1/2 x 3 inches) and is in fine condition but for one clawed toe which has been chipped. This squat style of facial expression was popular from the declining years of the Edo period into the early Meiji, and fits the date of this piece perfectly.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #1341614 (stock #MBR5272)
The Kura
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A bronze dragon water spout dating from the late Edo or early Meiji period (mid to later 19th century) in an unusual full body configuration. Most spouts appear climbing over the edge of a basin, and thus only the front of the dragon need be cast. This however writhes across the edge of the basin, the entire body exposed. A pipe extending from the stomach allows the water to be attached. It is 29-1/2 x 11 x 10 inches (75 x 28 x 25 cm). One horn has been repaired and there is some damage where the belly would have touched the stone surface of the water pool typical of age. Dragons are not only the gods of water, therefore a protective deity, but also are considered guardians of Buddhist doctrine, and, like the Buddha mind, are rarely seen in full form.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #52193 (stock #ALS265)
The Kura
An ancient Japanese scroll featuring a blue eyed neko-tora (cat-tiger) prowling over a boulder peering out through sheets of pouring rain. This is a very unusual subject; I have never before seen a tiger depicted with blue eyes. Due to 250 years of isolation the Edo period Japanese artists had never seen real tigers and were forced to conjure up these feline images from their own imaginations. The painting has been remounted in green brocade embossed with vines, extended top and bottom in a soft brown. It is unsigned but bears two stamps and measures 24 by 74 inches (61 by 188cm). There is heavy creasing present.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #1401211 (stock #MOR6940)
The Kura
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A Mingei style sculpture of a sake-sprite (Shojo) making off with a barrel of rice wine on his shoulder dating from the 19th century. This architectural work was likely originally part of a gate, and would have been a welcome sign to thirsty fellows after a day of work. Carved from a single piece of hard Keyaki wood, It is in excellent condition. 28 x 12 x 5 inches (71 x 13 x 13 cm). Keyaki as a wood is known for its hardness, beautiful grain and pest resistance.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #304239 (stock #ALR1170)
The Kura
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A surreal ink on cloth landscape by Kyoto artist Nakanishi Koseki (1807-1884) bordered in rich blue patterned silk and featuring radical flaring rosewood rollers. Soft ink tones and heavy washes of gray clash with the brisk strokes and jagged lines of the painting, creating a vivacious scene. The stamps on this match those on the next listing, a second scroll by Koseki. This scroll measures 19-3/4 by 76 inches (50.5 x 194 cm). There is one hard crease crossing the scroll above the large lower tree, and several minor wrinkles to be noted. Koseki was born in Osaka and studied under the great artist Oda Kaisen in Kyoto, where he established himself as a top rated artist. During the late Edo and early Meiji period he was considered one of the best landscape artists in Japan, alongside Taizan (Hine Taizan, 1813-1870). His works are in a number of private collections and museums, including the Ashmolean.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #50957 (stock #ALS256)
The Kura
An awesome mid 19th century scroll depicting 2 highly detailed dragons battling in the clouds. The scene, signed Koun Teruhiro, is depicted in watercolor on 21 sheets of paper joined to form the canvas. Beside the signature is the words Hobun Utsushi, which means written in the style of Hobun. The huge scroll, measuring 45 by 90 inches (114 X 229 cm), has been fully restored and remounted in a border of green silk decorated with large flower mon (medallions) and ending in heavy, solid ivory rollers measuring 1-3/8 inches in diameter. The scroll dates to what the Japanese call BAKUMATSU, or end of the Edo government, roughly the 20 years preceding the Meiji Restoration. It comes in a large wooden box inscribed with the words Hontokuji Ihin (A gift to Hontoku temple).
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #1468206 (stock #MOR8494)
The Kura
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A one of a kind Edo period Buddhist censer of wood carved in the shape of a Baku, a mythical creature with the ability to eat nightmares, a brass basin inserted into the back. It is 23 x 16.5 x 27 cm (9 x 6-1/2 x 10-1/2 inches) and in fine condition. There is a strip of wood embedded in the form filling a crack in the wood.
The traditional Japanese nightmare-devouring baku originates in Chinese folklore and was familiar in Japan as early as the Muromachi period (14th–15th century). An early 17th-century Japanese manuscript, the Sankai Ibutsu, describes the baku as a shy, mythical chimera with the trunk and tusks of an elephant, the ears of a rhinoceros, the tail of a cow, the body of a bear and the paws of a tiger, which protected against pestilence and evil. Writing in the Meiji period, Lafcadio Hearn (1902) described a baku with very similar attributes that was also able to devour nightmares.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #48653 (stock #SAR168)
The Kura
A suit of Edo period armor featuring a Kebiki Ni Mai Do Gusoku, a 2 piece hinged armor of 8 closely knit rows of scale plates. 7 rows of 5 kusazuri hang from the do. It has a 32 plate Suji Kabuto with a tehen Kanamono vent in the shape of a stylized chrysanthemum and prominent Fukigaeshi, with 5 Hineno Jikoro cascading down the back. The helmet has typical chipping to the edges of the lacquer. The bowl retains 90 percent of the original liner and sweatband with the original ties. There is a me no shita no ho mask with 4 lame yodarekake, lacquered inside with red, outside in black and featuring a thick horsehair mustache, again, typical chipping. It also features Osode with brass ornaments and backed with leather; shino gote, haidate and suneate, and comes with an armor box. The armor is laced with orange and white thread, which is all in quite good condition except for the top row on the front of the do. The do and mail were also lacquered in gold. In an unusual note, the armor is still in the hemp bags designed to protect it during storage, marked with the date Ansei ni nen (1855), meaning it was probably repaired or restored at that time.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #275613 (stock #TCR1096)
The Kura
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An incredibly detailed mid to late 19th century Izushi-yaki Hakuji (white porcelain) image of a samurai and his lover enjoying a moment together; the robes, accessories and musculature being extremely well shaped. The pair are made of solid white clay, sculpted in the style and with the attention to detail typical of Hirado ware however the glaze is more textured than work expected of that region, indicative of Izushi. There are several chips: the mans left foot, tobacco pouch and right fingers and the womans hair, as well as a repair to the back fold in the womans loose kimono. The couple measure approximately 4 inches (10.5 cm) tall, 5-3/4 inches (15 cm) wide. They are enclosed in an ancient wooden box inscribed with the date 1930, and stating the piece was acquired or received in April by Sakuragawa Umetoshi. The sculpture pre-dates the box by many years.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #1356893 (stock #TCR5376)
The Kura
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Here is a fine hand formed tea pot of dark clay by Otagaki Rengetsu engraved with a poem and enclosed in the original signed and age darkened wooden box. It reads:
Oyamada no Hita no kakenawa, Uchi Haete, Keburi Nigiou, Miyo no aki Kana
In the hillside Paddies, Clappers with ropes as long as the smoke trails, the peaceful abundance of an Imperial Reign in Autumn…
It is 6 cm (2 inches) tall and in excellent condition.
Much has been written about the life and work of poet/artist Otagaki Rengetsu. Born into a samurai family, she was adopted into the Otagaki family soon after birth, and served as a lady in waiting in Kameoka Castle in her formative years, where she received an education worthy of a Lady of means. Reputed to be incredibly beautiful, she was married and bore three children; however her husband and all children died before she was twenty. Remarried she bore another daughter, however that child too perished and her husband died while she was just 32. Inconsolable, she cut off her hair to join the nunnery at Chion-in Temple, where she renounced the world and received the name Rengetsu (Lotus Moon). However this was not the end, but only the beginning of a career as artist and poet which would propel her to the top of the 19th century Japan literati art world.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #1065438 (stock #MLR2912)
The Kura
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A stunning Suzuri bako covered in gold lacquer and minutely detailed with scenes of the 53 stations of the Tokaido. Mountains and ocean views, famous temples and castles are all populated by travelers in various shades and degrees of gold. It is decorated inside entirely with fronds over gold nashiji. A superb work of art that would have taken months or perhaps even years to complete. The box measures 33 x 25 x 14 cm (13 x 10 x 6 inches) and is in overall fine condition. There is a small repair to the lip inside the box (see close-up) and some abrasions beneath typical of use.
The Tôkaidô (The Eastern Sea Route) was the most heavily travelled road in old Japan, running along the eastern coast of the main Island of Honshu and connecting the cultural capitol of Kyoto with the Military and Governmental Capitol of Edo (Modern Tokyo). Along this road were 53 different stations which provided stables, food, and lodging for travelers. It was an immensely popular subject in various media of art, the most famous of which may be the woodblock print series designed by Hiroshige.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #1221170 (stock #ALR4346)
The Kura
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Feeling frisky that day, perhaps a wry self portrait by this most famous of Nuns, Otagaki Rengetsu with a poem brushed above in her unique script.
Hito hakaru The trickster
Sagano no harano In the Fields of Sagano
Yufumagure At Twilight
Onoka obana ya Tail in the Pampas grass
Sode to misuran Will it seem a sleeve
There is something very human about this depiction, perhaps the nose…The Hakuzosu (Fox spirit) is a popular theme surrounding the superstition that foxes transform themselves into human form to bewitch the unwary, particularly at twilight. Perhaps the final reference to a sleeve is that of the beguiler, the sleeve of a kimono draped for the seduction of a passing man. Performed with ink on paper in a silk border, the scroll is 10-1/4 x 65-1/2 inches (26 x 166.5 cm) and in overall fine condition. The word obana, written with characters meaning "tail-flower," is classic poetic diction for susuki autumn grass signifying Sagano, a place name often used in poetry as a pun on saga, "one's nature." For a similar image with this poem see the Metropolitan Museum of Art New York (Gift of Donald Keene).
Much has been written about the life and work of poet/artist Otagaki Rengetsu. Born into a samurai family, she was adopted into the Otagaki family soon after birth, and served as a lady in waiting in Kameoka Castle in her formative years, where she received an education worthy of a Lady of means. Reputed to be incredibly beautiful, she was married and bore three children; however her husband and all children died before she was twenty. Remarried she bore another daughter, however that child too perished and her husband died while she was just 32. Inconsolable, she cut off her hair to join the nunnery at Chion-in Temple, where she renounced the world and received the name Rengetsu (Lotus Moon). However this was not the end, but only the beginning of a career as artist and poet which would propel her to the top of the 19th century Japan literati art world.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #1450956 (stock #MOR8206)
The Kura
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A sake set in the shape of a cha-usu tea powder grinding stone consisting of 7 pieces, each uniquely decorated with various creatures. The widest is a large sake cup decorated with cranes upon which rests the hai-dai stand, forming the base of the grinding stone. The cover is in the shape of the grinding stone itself, and forms a deep cup decorated inside with a hawk. Inside this are found three concentric cups decorated with crows, a carp and sparrows. The red grinding handle is in fact filled with small bamboo tablets upon which are written the names of the various birds and fish. A game of chance, shake one tablet out, then fill that cup to the rim and bottoms up! Very unique, I have not seen one like this before. The bottom dish is 18.5 cm (7-1/2 inches) diameter and the set is in overall excellent condition, enclosed in a dilapidated wooden box dating from the 19th century.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #1243745 (stock #MOR4516)
The Kura
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Villains and travelers, Goblins and Priests, Various tales play out in 3 dimensions around the trunk and among the leafy branches of a massive tree forming the core and backdrop of this amazing 19th century altar bell stand. The piece is 6 inches (15.5 cm) tall, the same diameter. It comes enclosed in an old wooden box. This matches the Maezukue Altar table previously listed. One of the most elaborate I have ever seen.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #1369144 (stock #ALR6590)
The Kura
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Two fox representing Inari, one of the principal kami (gods) of Shinto, are depicted on this Edo period talisman made at a shrine and traditionally hung in the home for protection. The two creatures hold in their mouths a buddhist jewel, symbol of knowledge, and a key to the kura, a storehouse for treasures. Between them is written Inari Daimyou Jin. Inari is the Japanese god of fertility, agriculture and of general prosperity and worldly success. In Edo Japan, Inari was also the patron of swordsmiths and Warriors. This is a wood-block printed talisman purchased at a shrine and preserved for more hundreds of years. It has been recently mounted in blue patterned cloth extended with beige and features black lacquered wooden rollers. It comes in a fine kiri-wood storage box with a paper sleeve. The scroll is 46 x 116 cm (18 x 45-1/2 inches) and is in excellent condition.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #1468299 (stock #Z085)
The Kura
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A radical image by the outlandish Doi Goga featuring a black devil and its child. The child reaches up to the monster, while the monster seems to be giving him a raspberry, his toungue flailing in the air. Ink on paper, it has been completely restored in beige cloth border with bone rollers reflecting the original mounting. The scroll is 42 x 181 cm (16-1/2 x 71-1/4 inches) ad is in excellent condition. Doi Goga (1818-1880) was a Confucian scholar of the late Edo to Meiji periods. He was born the son of a doctor serving the lords of Ise (modern Mie prefecture), home of the gods and Ise Shrine. A child prodigy, he studied under Ishikawa Chikugai and Saito Setsudo. The early death of his father saw him succeed the family head at the age of 12. He would serve later as a teacher in the official government school. He held strong opinions and was very critical of the hypocrisy and corruption he saw in military government and in Confucianism itself. His works began to see the light of day in the early Meiji period, however due to their inflammatory nature, much was left unpublished until after his death. Known for paintings of bamboo and landscapes, his Dojin figures are rare and highly sought.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #1435915 (stock #MOR8012)
The Kura
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A brush, ink stick letter knife and ink stone are set into a compartment inside this flattened bamboo shape carved from Zitan wood with a poem engraved into the lid signed on the back side Hokkyo Sessai and enclosed in a wooden box. Lifting out the lid by means of the strap, one finds the knife tucked into the handle, the brush, stone, and ink laid out and ready to use. It is 34 cm (13-1/2 inches) long. The ink stone, firmly embedded in the wood, has cracked, otherwise all is in excellent condition but for a slight nick in the edge just above the himotoshi chord loop. According to the International Netsuke Society Journal Volume 36, Number 1: Shima Sessai (1820-1879), was given title Hokkyo… Any carvings signed Hokkyo Sessai date between 1866 and 1879, Sessais last 13 years. A Netsuke by the artist is held in the collection of LACMA and a carving of two wrestlers by this artist sold at Christies London for 117,000 GBP in 2004.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #1248536 (stock #MOR4556)
The Kura
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Three tough looking toads work together to support the base ring of this unusual leaf-shaped bronze Usubata flower basin enclosed in an antique wooden box. It is signed on the base simply “Oka”. Roughly 11 inches (27 cm) diameter, 8 inches (20 cm) tall.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #1430662 (stock #TCR7961)
The Kura
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A set of five exquisite Sencha Tea Cups of crackle-glazed pottery covered outside with black lacquer decorated with golden plum blossoms. Each bears an impressed seal in the base reading Toyosuke from the Nagoya studio of Toyoraku (also read Horaku) dating from the later 19th century. Inside each cup is a stylized single plum blossom. This set is exceptional! It is enclosed in a custom made wooden box. Each is 6.2 cm (2-1/2 inches) diameter, 4.8 cm (2 inches) tall and in excellent condition.
The Toyoraku tradition began in the mid 1700s, however it was the fourth generation head of the household (Toyosuke IV 1813~1858) who moved the kiln to Kamimaezu in Nagoya and began applying lacquer and Maki-e to the works. He was succeeded by his son, Toyosuke V (d. 1885) who passed the kiln to his own son Toyosuke VI, (d. 1917), who was highly lauded in his lifetime and made pottery on order of the Meiji emperor, his pieces being selected for international exhibition. However from the later Meiji he concentrated on Raku-ware, and the lacquer tradition mostly disappeared from the family ouvre.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #667635 (stock #ALR2165)
The Kura
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A late Edo period (19th century) image known as the Nehanzu, death of the Buddha. It is absolutely fantastic, one of the best painted I have ever seen. Mourners of all species surround the death bed of Buddha. His mother comes from heaven dropping a bag of magical medicine, which catches on the limb of a tree, unable to reach him in time. Hawk, tiger, elephant, Shishi,. Cow, snail, horse, monkey, crane, rooster, goose, pheasant, turtle, rabbit, egret, mandarin duck, mole, centipede, snake, peacock, lynx (?) deer, boar and worm. The elephant and Shishi fall back in horror at the death. Four other Buddha‚“ (gold figures), red and green holy creatures, 16 Rakan (Arhats), Dragons Jizo and a host of other deities all mourn the loss. His last student falls in a faint on the ground, another pours water to revive him. Framed it would be most impressive! The scroll as is measures 163 x 267 cm, the painting alone is 131 x 173 cm. All original, the painting is in fine condition; however the border is a bit loose and could use remounting. We have chosen to offer it in this condition to allow the buyer to choose the quality and method of remounting (scroll or frame), choice of cloth, colors etc. The story of the Buddha's last moments are recorded in great detail in the sutra known as The Sutra of the Great Extinction, in which the Buddha declares that he has taught all, withholding nothing, for he has no intention to exercise control by means of secret doctrines. Near his death he said: "Make the self your light, make the Law your light." Words equally important today as they were then. This is from the property of a temple collection. Should you desire more detailed and alrger photos please contact me as we have a package of photographs detailing the painting.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #907638 (stock #YOR2612)
The Kura
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An unusual Ryoku Odoshi Ni-Mai-Do Gusoku armor of pleated horizontal plates and Armadillo scale mae-ate reminiscent of the leather covers on the front of older O-yoroi with an inscription inside the box lid attesting the armor to the property of Prince Arisugawa Taruhito. It features a black lacquered 62 plate suji kabuto with simple brass Tehen Kanamono and 6 lame shikoro with arisugawa crest on the fukigaeshi and genuine armadillo tail maedate. The mask is a Me-No-Shita Ho with prominent moustache and removable nose piece and featuring a Kiritsuke Kozane Nodokake throat defense. The Do consists of rows of pleated iron bands riveted together, with upper and lower plates of smooth iron covered in black tataki-nuri lacquer. The Armadillo scale chest piece is removable. From the waist hang 6 rows of five iron scales. The Sangu are all matching in cloth and style to the armor, with 2 piece hinged Bishamon Kote attached to the Shino sleeves. The Arisugawa Crest is prominent in gold on the black field of the Kawara Haidate. The armor retains the original ukezutsu flag holder and comes in a simple red lacquered wooden box. Quite striking with the exotic animal scales, it must have made quite an impression. However the underling armor is very simple and might allow an Imperial Prince to escape in the milieu without scrutiny in the event of a failed uprising. There is a chip to the lowermost lame of the shikoro, as well as some chips to the lower rows of the nodokake and black lacquer about the arm and neck openings in the Do. The Tortoise shell toggles securing the sleeves have become dilapidated (although all of the chord is strong) and most of the original bear fur on the lowermost Kusazuri has fallen. As noticeable in the photographs it does present a powerful display.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #1416887 (stock #TCR7084)
The Kura
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Rivulets of green glaze descend all sides of this sublime storage jar, the bottom raw red Tamba clay dating from the Edo period. About the rim are four “mimi” ears for tying down the wooden bung. The base is slightly concave and burnt to a rock like texture. The vessel is 12 inches (30 cm) tall, 11-1/2 inches (29 cm) diameter and in excellent condition. Tamba is considered as one of Japan’s six famous ancient kilns, along with Seto, Tokoname, Echizen, Shigaraki and Bizen. It is known for a solemn, austere atmosphere, and for the beautiful green pine-ash glaze. The origins are purported to be in the late Heian period, when it was called Onohara ware. Traditionally it is coil formed, or turned counter clockwise on a wheel. Early pieces were fired in anagama, until the Momoyama period, when the advent of the climbing kiln offered increased production and possibilities and hire firing temperatures.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #1350787 (stock #MOR6373)
The Kura
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A 19th century (Edo to Meiji periods) gilded bronze branch bearing three golden fruits, each of which opens to reveal a small compartment. It is 19 cm (7-1/2 inches) long, 6 cm (2-1/2 inches) tall and comes enclosed in an age darkened kiri-wood box. Certainly of Buddhist connotations, it likely held some small sweets or incense.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #1372682 (stock #ALR6641)
The Kura
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A museum quality work by 19th century great Oda Kaisen featuring vines burgeoning with ripe fruit under the epitaph “Painted on a muggy date (possibly “by moonlight” as the term keigetsu refers) in 1840”. Ink on silk in brass colored Satin patterned with tendrils of mist and featuring white piping in the Mincho style and ivory rollers typical of literati painting of the 19th century. It is 18-3/4 x 72-3/4 inches (47.5 x 184.5 cm) and is in excellent condition.
Oda Kaisen (1785-1862) was born into a family of in the textile industry in Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi on the extreme western end of Honshu, the Japanese main island. He went to the cultural capitol of Kyoto in 1806, where he was initially trained in the Shijo style of painting under Matsumura Goshun (1752–1811). After Goshun died, he moved to study nanga literati painting with Rai San'yō (1780–1832) and through extensive study of treasured Chinese paintings in various collections. It is during this period he began using the name on this scroll, O-in. He worked as a compatriot of the great masters Uragami Shinkin and Tanomura Chikuden. Work by this artist is held in the collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, the British Museum, Ashmolean, and in Japan the Osaka Municipal Art Museum and Chofu museum among others.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #1174219 (stock #ANR4150A)
The Kura
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Green or Blue, which will win this contest? Two shishi lions vie for our attention on this absolutely fabulous pair of 19th century screens. The images are performed with pigment on applied silver, not an easy medium from the start. One creature pounces, mouth open, teeth barred while the other crouches, mouth shut, ready to leap. Peony, a flower typically associated with the creatures, grows about them. Each screen is 68 x 137 inches (173 x 348 cm). They have been fully remounted at some time in the near past (latter 20th century, 1970-80s?) and are in fine condition. Some repairs were affected at that time. A most impressive set of images, incredibly rare. Open and Closed Mouths of Guardians: Japanese Shishi (Shisa in Okinawa) Fu-dogs or Pinyin in China, Inari (fox guardians in front of shrines) as well as the Buddhist Niomon images are almost always depicted one with mouth open (Agyo) the other mouth closed (Ungyo). As a pair, they complement each other. One represents latent power, mouth held tightly closed in wait, while the other represents overt power, baring his teeth in action. The most common explanation of this imagery is the open mouth figure (feminine in Japan) scares away evil with its cry, while the closed mouth figure (masculine) keeps inside fortune and good spirits. Most Japanese adaptations state that the male is inhaling, representing life, while the female exhales, representing death.