The Kura - Japanese Art Treasures
Robert Mangold has been working with Japanese antiques since 1995 with an emphasis on ceramics, Paintings, Armour and Buddhist furniture.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1940 item #1249510 (stock #MOR4562)
The Kura
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A superbly crafted free standing image of a Heron standing high on a rocky outcrop, balanced on one leg, the other curled up tightly in its feathers. It is made in dusted silver, likely over a bronze body. The form is expertly crafted, incised with a fierce expression showing awe for the power of nature and its inhabitants. Keen eyes scan the river for fish, and the horizon for predators. Worn, we have had the original bolt fixing him to the rock bored and replaced. It is in fine condition, signed behind the raised leg Bikyo. With the base it is 28 cm (11 inches) tall.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1940 item #1328014 (stock #MOR5111)
The Kura
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Pines in the Rimpa style grow on the folded surface of this fan painted by Kamisaka Sekka and enclosed in the original signed wooden box, retaining the original paper binding on the fan itself. It is 12 inches (30 cm) long folded, and in excellent condition.
Kamisaka Sekka (1866-1942) is the godfather of 20th century Japanese design and the Rimpa revival. He was born in Kyoto in 1866, one of six siblings. From 1882 he began his artistic career, however did not take-off until visiting the Paris Expo in 1901, where he was exposed to Art Nouveau and Western industrial design concepts. He was adept as a painter and designer in an assortment of other media, working with various artisans to bring to life his ideas. He was employed as a teacher at the Kyoto Municipal School of Art (future University of Fine Art as I have abbreviated in the above description), and was widely exhibited and prized throughout his career, which ended in retirement in 1938.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1920 item #1303624 (stock #MOR4903)
The Kura
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Four kiri panels are set into a rosewood framework, each uniquely painted by Osaka Literati paragon Mori Kinseki. It is 12 x 12 x 11-1/2 inches (30 x 30 x 29 cm) and is in fine condition. The brass insert too, looks almost unused. Included is a small folding fan in the original box by the artist as well. Mori Kinseki (1843-1921) was born the third son in a family of Inn owners in the hotsprings town of Arima, Hyogo prefecture, in 1843. At the age of three he was sent away to be raised by an inn owner in Osaka, Mori Ihei. By the age of 19 he was studying painting under Kanae Kinjo, and joined the circle of poets and scholars around Mega Yusho. After the opening of Japan with the fall of the Edo government, he traveled to Tokyo, where he studied western style perspective under Takahashi Koichi, and shortly thereafter the name of Mori Kinseki begins to appear in art annals, initially as a bronze plate lithographer (in 1881 one of his lithographs was exhibited at the 2nd Domestic Industrial Exhibition), and became associated with the Seikoku Bunjin group of literati artists. His bronze plate work was well known, and he illustrated more than 100 books, becoming the leading artist in that field in Kansai. At the age of 40, in 1883, he helps to found the Nihon Nanga-kai organization of literati painters, and the following year takes up a professorship at the new Naniwa School of Painting in Osaka. In 1890 he is named a designated artist to the Imperial Household Agency (and in 1913 would be named a member of the Imperial Art Academy or Teishitsu Gige-In). His works were not just submitted to many of the National Exhibitions of the Meiji and Taisho eras, but he he was in fact made a judge at many of these affairs.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1700 item #1333988 (stock #ANR5163)
The Kura
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Starting with the famous verse by Chinese Scholar YoYu (AD 53-18) ”The written character is a picture of the heart” (Sho kokoro Ga nari) here are written 42 rules of calligraphy spread over 10 narrow panels by the famous calligraphist Ide Gakei dated 1677. The verses appear to have been written in one sitting, the style going from crisp perfect Kaisho characters through Gyosho stylized characters and into the elegantly running Grass script (Sosho). The way the artist allows his hand to flow ever more freely with each line is captivating when taking in the whole, and creates a dynamic not often found. The calligraphy work is mounted on ten gold panels bordered in black lacquer. The screen is 150 x 19-1/2 inches (382 x 49.5 cm).
The rules of writing reflect the scholar ideas which came from Ming China and the humble nature of the Japanese Tea Ceremony (Sado, the way of tea). A great writer must be a small man, the written hand is a window to the soul, The heart must be right or the verse will not flow etc.
Ide Gakei (b. 1644) was a well known and published calligraphist studied under Sasaki Shizuma and Uchida Teshu. He lived his early life serving the powerful Kaga fief, where his calligraphy became known throughout Japan. He later moved to Kyoto where he passed on his unique style to Suzuki Shosui. Gakei was also known as, Shosui and or another Shosui using alternate characters. Several of his original published books, including Zoku Senjimon and Sosho Enkai, are held in the Waseda University Library
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1960 item #1454001 (stock #TCR8261)
The Kura
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An image of the sleeping Shojo (sake Sprite) by the 12th generation Sakaida Kakiemon enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Taihaku Shojo Bori Okimono. The ordinarily playful figure is performed in pure white, a serene look upon his sleeping face creating an almost holy feeling, the ladle fallen at his knee, leaning against a barrel of sake, the empty jar the only color. The image is 31 x 21 x 16 cm (12 x 8 x 6 inches) and is in excellent condition. Sakaida Kakiemon (1878-1963) was born the first son of the 11th generation head of the Sakaida family, and learned from his father, succeeding the family name in 1917. Rediscovering the Nigoshide technique was his life’s research, and together with his son grasped the essentials in 1947, presenting the first piece for public viewing in 1953. The Nigoshide technique was subsequently named an important cultural property, and the Kakiemon family designated the carriers of the tradition. Held in the collection of The Tokyo National Museum of Modern Art, Seattle Art Museum among others.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1980 item #1369057 (stock #MOR6583)
The Kura
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An iron vase intentional rust and damascened silver of a Flat-fish on one side, the other au-natural by Sano Hiroshi exhibited at the 48th Kofukai Tenrankai Exhibition in 1962 and enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Karai (flat-fish). It is 53.5 cm (21 inches) wide, 37 cm (14-1/2 inches) tall and in fine condition.
Sano Hiroshi was born in Jūshiyama, Aichi prefecture in 1930, and graduated the Nagoya Municipal School of Crafts in 1950. That year he joined the Ando Shippo Cloisonné studio. Three years later he would begin expanding his knowledge of metal craft under Sekiya Shiro while remaining employed by Ando, where he would remain until 1967. He became a member of the Kofukai in 1961 and would consistently exhibit there and be recipient of many awards. Shortly thereafter he began also to exhibit with the Nitten National Exhibition, garnering several awards and mentions there. In 1967 he established a center for the study of crafts and his art became ever more eccentric, delving deeply into form over purpose. A master in both metal craft and cloisonné, he would also be awarded at the Nihon Shinkogeiten (New Crafts Exhibition). He has been the subject of several documentaries in Japan (1978, 1983, 1988). For his contribution to the art world he was granted the Order of Cultural Merit from Aichi prefecture in 1982 with the note: While learning the techniques of metal engraving and forging, while observing the sense of modeling, he won the special prize of the metalwork department for the first time in this region at the 10th Nitten. He also served as a guide for the younger generation, sending young artists to the world. He has contributed to the promotion and improvement of the arts and culture of this prefecture by establishing traditional metalworking techniques in this region, and is expected to continue to play an active role in the future.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #1372683 (stock #ALR6642)
The Kura
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A most exciting find, a scroll by five of the greatest scholar-painters of the Meiji period, Tanomura Chokunyu, Suzuki Hyakunen, Tomioka Tessai, Nyoi Sanjin and Yamanaka Shinten-o; all of whom resided in Kyoto during the Meiji period. Ink on paper in a brown cloth border befitting the Daoist figures. It comes in an annotated by by Tessai from 1911. The scroll is 29-1/4 x 75-1/2 inches (74 x 192 cm) and is in excellent condition.
Nyoi Sanjin (Tani Tetsuomi, 1822-1905) was born the son of a Doctor serving the powerful Ii clan of the Hikone fief on the Tokaido road between Kyoto and Tokyo. Trained as a samurai and a doctor (including Western medicine in Nagasaki), he sided with the imperialist cause during the troubled times of the 1850s and 60s while working as a Doctor in Hikone. He served in governmental posts after the restoration of the Emperor in 1867, retiring to Kyoto in the 1880s.
Suzuki Hyakunen (1825-1891) was born in Kyoto and studied under Yokoyama Kakei. He served as a professor at the Kyoto Prefectural School of Painting (modern University of Art) and thus mentor to many young artists of his day, including his own son Suzuki Shonen. Works by him are held in the V&A, Ashmolean, Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Philadelphia Museum of Art, University of Michigan as well as a host of Domestic institutions.
Tanomura Chokunyu (1814-1907) was born in Oita (the Oka Feif) and studied initially under Okamoto Baisetsu before moving to paint under the famous literatus Tanomura Chikuden (1777-1835), who adopted him as a son and had a very strong influence on the young artist. Upon Chikudens death he also studied briefly under Oshio Chusai (1792-1837) then finally ventured out on his own upon that teachers passing. He moved to Kyoto, where he helped found the Kyoto Municipal School of painting and eventually withdrew from the world, becoming an Obaku Zen Monk in 1902.
Tomioka Tessai (1837-1924)was a scholar artist trained from age seven in the traditional Confucian manner. After the death of his father he was apprenticed to a Shinto shrine, and later was forced to escape the capitol to Kyushu to avoid arrest for anti-governmental actions he had taken on part of the Imperial cause. Here he began serious study of Literati painting and furthered his scholarly research. Upon returning to Kyoto he was befriended by and moved to work under Otagaki Rengetsu, from whom he was heavily influenced. He helped to establish the Nihon Nanga-In and held a number of important positions, culminating in being appointed the official painter of the Emperor and a member of the Imperial Art Academy; the highest honor in Japanese Art circles. He is represented in innumerable important collections. Information on this important person is readily available, for more see Scholar Painters of Japan by Cahill (1972), Roberts Dictionary, or a quick internet search will find plenty of reading. He is held in the Tokyo National Museum, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Kyoto, V&A etc…
Yamanaka Shinten-o (Seittsu 1822-1885) was born near Nagoya in the village of Higashiura, the second son of a wealthy farming family. After studying in Osaka with scholar Shinozaki Shochiku (1781-1851), he moved after to Kyoto where he became a member of the anti-governmental movement supporting restoration f the Emperor. Following the repression of 1858 when many opposition figures were arrested and executed, Shinten’o went to Ise and studied with Saito Setsudo (1791-1865) for three years before returning to Kyoto. He was an active supporter of imperial loyalists, providing food and money to the troops fighting to establish the new regime. In recognition of his support he was appointed to a series of governmental posts. In 1873 he quit the world of politics to begin a quiet life of scholarly pursuits in the Shimogamo area of Kyoto and established a sprawling villa in Arashiyama so well regarded was that the Meiji Emperor stayed there during his 1877 visit to Kyoto.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1920 item #629477 (stock #MOR2042)
The Kura
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A set of scholars desk items, including a Chinese Qing dynasty crystal brush rest in the form of two mountains, Chinese crystal stamp carved with four characters between dragons, and an unusual obelisk written with the Nichiren Buddhist epitaph Na-mu Myoho-ren-ge-kyo in radical script over textured surface, glass or crystal. We have been unable to find a single inclusion in the obelisk, making it either a perfect crystal, suiting a religious object, or glass. The stamp is four immaculately cut characters between two scrollwork dragons (I am not versed in Chinese, but the Japanese reading seems to be Min Zan Chu In). The obelisk is 3 inches tall, the stamp 1-3/4 inches (4 cm) tall and the brush rest roughly 2-1/2 inches (6 cm) long. All pieces are in perfect condition.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1920 item #1372838 (stock #ALR6646)
The Kura
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Honda Tenjo enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Seven Great Men. Ink on paper in a superlative silk mounting with ivory rollers (they will be changed if exporting). It is 26 x 85-1/2 inches (66.5 x 217 cm) and is in excellent condition. Honda Tenjo (1867-1946), born in Tokyo, initially studied western painting for five years under Kondo Katsumi before moving to Nihonga under Kano Hogai. Along with Okakura Shusui and Oka Fuho was to be called the four pillars of the Hogai Studio. He worked in the circle called the Kangakai established by Fenelossa and Tenshin, and lived for a while at Tenshin’s house. The belief at the time was to imbue oneself in Japonisme and so he also studied swordsmanship under Sakakibara Kenkichi. In 1888 he became one of the first students of the newly established Tokyo School of Art. He was exhibited and awarded at the Nihon E-ga Kyokai from its inception, and later with the Bunten after its establishment.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #1058061 (stock #ALR2886)
The Kura
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A dry ink on paper image of mushrooms growing up along a garden stone dated 1874 by Tani Nyoi (1822-1905). The scene is signed Nyoisanjin, and dated the second month of 1874 hemmed in by origami cranes on cream satin in a field of rough pale green silk and features dark rosewood rollers. The style is very much in the literati tradition predominant during the early Meiji. The dry vigorous strokes evoke a sense of fleeting solidity, as if wind were about to blow the light paper away. And certainly it must have felt that way for a scholar/artist born in the late Edo who had experienced the unrest and upheaval of the Meiji restoration and ensuing battles, and the sudden influx of technology from the West. The artist Tani Ryutaro also went by the name Tani Tetsujin, Hyakuren and Taiko. He was a ranking figure from the Ii fief of Hikone, but studied philosophy and the scholar arts throughout Japan. In 1870 he was involved in problems of state but was promoted the following year, and later appointed the rank of minister of the left, finaly receiving appointment of Seigo-I by imperial decree. He left his post in 1874, for a period of reflection during which time he lived a quite life in Kyoto. It was during this period he was called Nyoisanjin, and it is from the first year of this period that this scroll hails. It measures 33-3/4 x 48-1/2 inches (85.5 x 123.5 cm) and is in fine condition. There is no box however we could have one made if desired.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #1426886 (stock #TCR7891)
The Kura
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Wild chrysanthemum rise along a brief poem on the cream-colored sides of these Tokkuri by Seifu Yohei enclosed in the original signed wooden box titled Seizan Sakabin. They are 15 cm (just under six inches) tall and in excellent condition. There is a pre-firing imperfection in the rim of one of the Tokkuri.
Seifu Yohei I (1803-1861) founded the Seifu dynasty in Kyoto. He was born in powerful Kaga-kuni, modern day Kanazawa prefecture. After apprenticing with the second generation Dohachi, he established his own kiln in the Gojo-zaka pottery district of Kyoto. Seifu Yohei II (1844-1878) took over that world upon his father’s death and continued to elevate the family name. His work was presented at the Philadelphia Worlds Fair in 1876, that piece was purchased at the time by the Victoria & Albert Museum in London. He held the reigns for only a short time, and died at the very young age of 34, leaving the kiln to brother in law, who would hurl the name of Seifu onto the annals of history recording the highest qualities of world porcelain artistry. For more on this illustrious lineage see the book Seifu Yohei by Seki Kazuo (2012).
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1920 item #1388988 (stock #TCR6814)
The Kura
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An exquisite vase decorated with crashing waves and plovers in blue by Seifu Yohei dating from the Taisho era. It is 12 inches (31 cm) tall and in excellent condition. Quite large for a work by Seifu, it is marked on the base with an incised signature. Either the work of the third or fourth generation, according to the definitive book "Kyoto Ceramist Seifu Yohei III", pieces from this era with this signature are impossible to differentiate between the two generations, as they worked side by side.
Seifu Yohei III (1851-1914) was the adopted son of Yohei II. Sent at the age of twelve to study painting under then the top Nanga artist Tanomura Chokunyu, he returned in 1865 due to illness. The next year he entered as an apprentice the Seifu studio, then under the control of the second generation. As so often happens in these situations, in 1872 he married the daughter, becoming a “Yoji” or adopted son of Yohei II and taking the family name, established himself as an individual artist. Within the year his genius was discovered, and works by him were sent to the Vienna World Exposition. Seifu II retires of illness in 1878, and III succeeds the family kiln. Once again he is honored as the new head of the kiln to produce the dinnerware for the former president of the US Ulysses Grant. His work was highly acclaimed, both domestically and abroad, drawing honors and prizes at the Naikoku Hakurankai (National Exhibition), Chicago and Paris World expositions and being named one of the first members of the Imperial Art Academy specializing in ceramics in 1893 (Tei shitsu Gigei In). Works by this rare artist are held in Museums and collections throughout the world. He was succeeded by the fourth generation Seifu (1871-1951) in 1914. Seifū Yohei IV (Seizan: 1872-1946) was born the second son of Seifū Yohei III (1851-1914). He studied literati-style painting under Tanomura Shōsai (1845-1909), a son of Tanomura Chokunyū, in Osaka for three years. In 1914, he succeeded to the head of the family and produced works mostly in his father’s style. He won a number of prizes including the Golden Prize at the Panama Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco in 1916 and the exhibitions of the Japan Art Association in 1916 and 1918. He produced several works for members of the Imperial family.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1920 item #1357123 (stock #TCR6425)
The Kura
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An unprecedented musuem quality seventeen piece Sencha Tea Set, each piece decorated by Zen Preist Hashimoto Dokuzan, each piece of pottery made by ceramic master Miura Chikusen I, the others made by masters in their felds, all enclosed in their original signed wooden boxes. The set consists of a Ryoro brazier, Ryoro dai tile for under the brazier, Kogo for incense, Fukin Tsutsu for a towel, Kensui for spent tea or water, two bisque fired teapots, a porcelain tea pot, a set of 5 tea cups, a set 5 of turned wood saucers, a woven fan for the coals, a Hawk feather wand, a wooden tea scoop, a wood plate for the tea pot, a silk fukin napkin, an exquisite pair of tea caddies and a red lacquered storage box with an inlaid Chinese jade handle; the door decorated with bamboo by Chikusen. An unprecedented set by these very important artists. The Ryoro is 10 inches (25 cm) tall. The tea pot is 7 x 5 x 5 inches (18 x 13 x 13 cm). All parts are in excllent condition.
Hashimoto Dokuzan (Gengi, 1869-1938) was born in Niigata, and was sent to Kyoto at the age of 16 to study painting and philosophy under Tomioka Tessai. At the age of 20 he entered Tenryuji under Gazan. He received Inka from Ryuen. In 1910 he moved to Shokokuji, and then was assigned the foundation of Nanonji Temple in Tottori Prefecture. He served as abbot of Tenryuji Temple and Shokokuji, both important Zen temples in Kyoto.
Miura Chikusen I (1854-1915) made a name for himself as a strict adherent to and supplier of Sencha tea wares in Kyoto; one of the most important artists in the country for that genre. He studied under Takahashi Dohachi from the age of 13, before establishing his own studio in 1883. He was a feature in the literati community of Kyoto and was well known also as a painter, poet and calligraphist. His porcelains were considered of the highest grade throughout the Meiji era, and are still highly collectable today. The kiln continues, currently under the management of the fifth generation.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1800 item #1414624 (stock #AOR7041)
The Kura
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A pair of small gold doors depicting Asian Civets (Jakoneko) in a flower strewn garden dating from the early to mid Edo period (17th to 18th century) reminiscent of the famous pair of screens heralding the same image by Kano Yukinobu (Utanosuke, active Muromachi period). The handmade bronze handles are in the shape of hollyhock leaves, intimating connection to the Tokugawa clan, head of the Shogunate. The painted panels are 45 x 28 cm each (17-1/2 x 11 inches), the doors roughly 48.5 x 32 cm (19 x 12-1/2 inches) and are in remarkably good condition considering age. There is some soot built up on the gold surface as might be expected of a painting exposed to wood heat and cooking for two centuries.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1900 item #1340267 (stock #TCR5250)
The Kura
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A beautifully shaped miniature bell with simulated chord looping through the top, half lifting off to reveal a compartment for storing incense. A ball inside the lower section actually rattles around like a real suzu-bell. This is a very unusual and superbly crafted from from the Mino area of Edo Japan. The inside white clay is darkened with age, and the outside infused with color gathered with time. It is 1-1/4 inches (4 cm) diamater, 2 inches (5 cm) tall and in excellent condition, enclosed in an old wooden box.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1940 item #1442786 (stock #TCR8105)
The Kura
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A breathtaking Koro in the shape of a roaring lion by Miyanaga Tozan I enclosed in the original signed wooden box. This is one of the best pieces I have ever seen by this important artist. It is 25 cm (10 inches) tall and in excellent condition.
Miyanaga Tozan I (1868-1941) is one of the most important names in Kyoto ceramics. He was born in Ishikawa prefecture, and graduated from the (now) Tokyo University of Art. While a government employee, he represented Japan at Arts Expositions, and studied art in Europe before returning to Japan in 1902 to devote himself to the production of ceramics, with great emphasis on celadon, one of the most difficult of all ceramic wares. He was direct teacher or mentor to a number of prominent artists including Kitaoji Rosanjin and Arakawa Toyozo.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1940 item #1193514 (stock #MOR4221)
The Kura
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A set of stacking brass coasters in the shape of a cannon shell complete with dial settings on the warhead made for the Shobido company in the 1930s or 40s and enclosed in the original signed wooden box. Stacked it is 10 inches (25 cm) tall, 3 inches (7.5 c) diameter and in excellent condition.
Shobido has been commissioning works with first rate artists and craftsmen for its own facilities and top Department stores since 1900. Founded by Eto Eikichiro at the height of the salon era, it served as a focal point for art, and they scoured the country for artists and craftsmen in all fields. During the strict war years their business suffered under the laws against excess, and finally the studio was completely destroyed in the bombing of Osaka in 1945. The second generation took over in 1946, working to re-establish the company and connecting with Hanshin Department Store, slowly growing while promoting the cultural heritage of Japan. They are now in the 113th year.
All Items : Archives : Regional Art : Asian : Japanese : Pre 1940 item #1193213 (stock #TCR4221)
The Kura
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A large and stunning vase by Nakamura Shuto made for the Shobido Art Company enclosed in the original signed wooden box. It is 12 inches (30 cm) tall, 5-1/2 inches (14 cm) across the base and in excellent condition.
Nakamura Shuto I (1865-1928) was born the son of famous Kaga potter of Daishoji Temple Nakamura Shigeichiro from whom, along with Takeuchi Ginshu from the age of 12, he initially studied pottery and painting techniques. Delving into the past he researched and revived ancient kiln techniques. From 1906 he took the name Shuto, and became famous throughout Japan for superb quality ceramics. Suddenly in Taisho 2 (1913) he switched to painting and design, and then in 1917 combined the two disciplines in a new approach using a kiln he created in his home. Works by him are held in the Ishikawa Prefectural Museum among others. Shobido has been commissioning works with first rate artists and craftsmen for its own facilities and top Department stores since 1900. Founded by Eto Eikichiro at the height of the salon era, it served as a focal point for art, and they scoured the country for artists and craftsmen in all fields. During the strict war years their business suffered under the laws against excess, and finally the studio was completely destroyed in the bombing of Osaka in 1945. The second generation took over in 1946, working to re-establish the company and connecting with Hanshin Department Store, slowly growing while promoting the cultural heritage of Japan. They are now in the 113th year.